
for Pope Francis today “It is the day of great silence”, it is the moment when “the darkest hour” has arrived. The pontiff, during the Easter vigil In a Saint Peter’s Basilica abandoned by the emergence of the Coronavirus, he not only sees what is happening in the period in which we live, but also sends a positive message, ensuring that God has not left us alone. “We do not give in to resignation, we do not put a stone above hope. We can and we must wait, because God is faithful. He did not leave us alone, he visited us: he came to all our situations, in pain, in anguish, in death. “
Today’s suffering must be remembered when it is possible to leave again for the pontiff, who sends a message against the production of weapons, but also againstabortion: “Let’s bring the song of life! Let’s silence the screams of death, no more wars! Stop the production and the arms trade, because we need bread and not rifles. Abortions stop, killing innocent life. Open the hearts of those who have, to fill the empty hands of those who are deprived of what is necessary. “
The Pope draws a parallel between the current situation of humanity and the mental state of women before the Resurrection: “We can reflect on the feelings of women on that day. Like us, they had in their eyes the tragedy of the suffering, an unexpected tragedy that happened too quickly. They had seen death and had death in their hearts. Pain was accompanied by fear: would they also have the same end as the teacher? And then fears for the future, all to be rebuilt. Wounded memory, suffocated hope. For them it was the darkest hour, as for us. “Now, according to Bergoglio, we must” prepare the day that changes history, as did the women followers of Christ. Many have already done so, in these dark days of coronavirus. “
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