Coronavirus, Gualtieri: “Within the next week the 600 euros for the self-employed. In Eurobonds there is a growing consensus in the EU”


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After easter The 600 euros provided for in the Cura Italia decree will finally reach the current accounts of self-employed workers. “They should be disbursed within the next week,” said the economy minister, Roberto Gualtieri, speaking on the Rai3 news. “The next tranche, for the month of April, will disburse faster and it will be more substantialIn fact, a new one is coming, but it will be released after April 20. decree with “many more resources consistentCompared to the 25 billion already allocated. This is the provision that must also contain what is announced emergency admission for all people who became unemployed but not covered by the measures taken so far.

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Later, Gualtieri returned to negotiate with the other finance ministers of the euro zone on the response package to the consequences of the epidemic. “We have the strength of reason on our side: we believe that issue common values“, He eurobonds“Financing the common expenses that serve to put the entire European economy in a position to face this unprecedented crisis is the wisest thing to do.” The Italian proposal is coming together growing consensus, is among the four “submitted” to the leaders of the European council And we will work hard so that this fund for the rebirth of Europe will see the light and the EU to give a strong response to the challenge of the Coronavirus. ”

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As to fund saves statesinstead, “we have always said that the MES is not the right size to deploy the necessary resources, we are talking about a billion, a billion and a half. So we are focusing on Eurobonds and the renaissance fund. We said that we don’t need month but we are committed to offering to all countries that request it, there are many interested countries, resources without conditionality

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