“In productive activities there is a slight variation: from Tuesday April 14 we reopened the stationeries, the libraries and baby stores and children. We also open some with weighting productive activity, in particular the cut of the forest to provide solid fuels. “They are the first glimpses into the”confinement“From coronavirus, announced by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at the Palazzo Chigi. The almost total blockade arrives extended again from April 14 to May 3. But they come individual exemptions and new rules for open activities, with the obligation to More expensive for employees and products for disinfect hands near the speakers or even on the keyboards of the ATM.
Until May 3 therefore they remain in force all limits to travel, the closing of schools, the stop of productive activities Not essensial. And the possibility remains for him regions issue orders again more restrictive than those of the state. But the plan towards Phase 2the of cohabitation With the virus, it begins to take shape. Meanwhile, with the reopening, on Tuesday, April 14, of one dozens of activities inserted in the new list of Ateco codes attached to the dpcm: in addition to the forestryeven thereWood Industry and cork (excluding furniture), as well as the manufacture of computer. But also with the establishment of one task force of experts who must study “rational processes” to “rethink theorganization of our life“And prepare for the gradual return to normality. These are the words of the Count himself:” This group of experts will be chaired by Vittorio Colao and made up of many personalities residing in Italy and abroad, such as Giovannini, Maggini, Mazzuccato, Sadun, “explained the Prime Minister.
See also
Coronavirus, Conte: “Work for phase 2 has already begun. We have created an expert group made up of Vittorio Colao “
From the use of forest areas, to cut the forest for example, when making computers, the list of Ateco codes, ranging from an expansion of related activities farming recovery for the International organizations present in Italy, as the offices of the agencies of the United Nations. Added among the great works those hydraulic. Wholesale trade of paper and of chancellery, to allow the supply of stationery of pens, markers, notebooks ready to reopen together with bookstores and children’s stores, an exception because in the rest of the clothes the blind stay down.
For the activities that remain discontinued However, it will be possible to join the company to surveillance or maintenance, for payment management (from salary receipts) and for sanitation. They can also be sent and received. goods, all after communication to the Prefect. Open factories and companies must guarantee “priority distribution and delivery of perishables and basic needs. “
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Coronavirus, Conte: “From the Eurogroup I am advancing but insufficient. About Mes Salvini and Meloni lie and weaken Italy in the EU “
The dpcm lists the measurements for commercial establishments. open, indicating the need for wear disposable gloves do the shopping and the mask total work phases where you can’t keep your distance Sanitation is scheduled twice a day. In addition, it is expected that small shops, within 40 square meters, enter one at a time and with the presence of up to two operators. To extend accesses, “time interval extensions” are also provided. to the cash you have to find thehand sanitizereven before writing the pin from the ATM machine.
For another three weeks it will be necessary stay at homeexcept “tested andWorking skills“, Necessity or health reasons. There are no events, closed bars, restaurants, pubs and discotheques. Transfers from where you are are prohibited, travel to second homes Holiday parks and playgrounds remain closed, as confirmed. the stop for all sports activitieseven the training of professionals. Motor activity is allowed close to home, alone and at a distance. The rules on short and maximum transits have also been confirmed. 72 hours, for those who must come to Italy for work. Close about those who come from abroad, which must respect the 14 days of isolation even without symptoms, and cruise stop. Those who return will be required to fiduciary isolation even in the absence of symptoms. The possibility of working transits of a maximum of 5 days is offered (72 hours of extension of 48). Stricter rules, in both cases, when leaving abroad: it will be necessary deliver a declaration to the carriers that must measure the temperature and block the travel of those in a feverish state.
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