Coronavirus, Sileri: “Abolish self-certification We must trust Italians”


ROME Italy as a patient recovering from a serious illness. We are downloading it, but with prescriptions that must be observed. Because we must also trust responsibility and common sense. Pierpaolo Sileri doctor and vice minister of health. Return of illness, cured.

Common sense, he says. But isn’t this self-certification a sign of mistrust towards Italians? When you treat us like adults and you say: know who you want, but with a mask and at a distance.

He is right. Not long ago, the Senate voted with laptops tied with string. But why is someone supposed to want to be smart and want to steal them? I have this flaw, which I trust Italians.

Was it a mistake to impose self-certification?

I don’t know if it was a mistake. I may not have worn it, but I understand the logic. There is always something cunning. But if we look at these two months, 95% of Italians have respected the rules. It is not necessary to put a sign on the bridges of the Tiber: do not jump down, otherwise you will die. We know it. At least as of May 18, it would abolish self-certification.

Also because the confusion about the maximum relatives. You have extended the category to friends, but only to real friends. How do you determine if you are a friend?

There are those who want to play with words, but I said a true friend that it shouldn’t be an excuse. There are those who live alone, widowed or perhaps need someone to take care of their children. In the absence of grandparents and babysitters, a fundamental friend.

Press conferences have been abolished. It was a mistake?

At first they were fine, but there is no point in giving the numbers without explaining them.

Conte miscommunicated?

No, Conte explained it very well. Maybe some confusion came from the scientists. He would have made the Superior Institute of Health speak alone.

The WHO has also caused confusion. And many experts have often contradicted each other.

The WHO has given wrong guidelines. But at first the virus was not known.

Renzi accuses the count of authoritarianism.

An incomprehensible position. If there had not been Dfcm, Italy would be a great Lombardy. Berlusconi, in opposition, said one correct thing: in the emergency, we squeezed around the prime minister. I do not understand the symbolic occupations of the League that do not bring anything. In times of serious emergency, one must be united and follow the Prime Minister’s instructions.

Health care was not ready. And now? It does not seem much further, leaving aside the therapies.

I would have criticized our health organization even before the virus: an overly hospital-focused, poor and uneven proactive service, waiting lists, a shortage of doctors and nurses. But, for example, we have the best cancer treatment in Europe. And in recent months we have improved, not only in beds but also in local services. Of course, buffers and reagents are still lacking in some areas.

Yes, but we are working on it. Outside, they made mistakes like us, but we are used to self-deprecating ourselves.

The Committee’s calculations are in dispute.

In some cases, as with masks, the risk was overestimated. There are no foolproof predictive models. But they are right about school.

She healed. Do you feel immune?

No, I have antibodies and I’m pretty quiet, but in six months we don’t know.

Where do you imagine this summer?

Between sea and countryside I choose the latter, to protect the family. It is always a matter of common sense.

April 30, 2020 (change April 30, 2020 | 10:52 pm)

