MOLFETTA – From 18 to 28 beds and with a completely renovated room. After the redesign work was completed, since this morning the Internal Medicine operating unit of the “Don Tonino Bello” Hospital in Molfetta has been restarted with a renewed configuration. New furniture, cozy environments, adequate logistics and duplicate spaces, thanks to the reopening of a second corridor on the 4th floor, which has allowed to increase hospital stays to 28, including 4 nephrology beds for the needs of patients who also use the Hospital dialysis service.
Now the department has two corridors with 14 beds each, equipped to meet the health needs of the internal area, also with instrumentation to monitor vital parameters, and organized in a more rational way, to facilitate management by staff. Important news also in this sector, given that the workforce has increased. In addition to the nine on-call doctors, the manager in charge dr. Giovanni De Palma will have 25 nurses available.
An improvement that comes at a delicate time when Molfetta Internal Medicine is particularly involved, in close collaboration with the Emergency Department, in the treatment of acute and subacute pulmonary diseases that affect elderly and frail patients in a more marked way. The additional contribution, in terms of specialized services, guaranteed by the outpatients of Diabetology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology, Hematology and Allergology is also important.
ASL Bari General Manager Antonio Sanguedolce expresses his satisfaction with the milestone reached: “Today we have returned to the Molfetta Hospital, a renovated and improved room that, thanks to the commitment of all health professionals, will be able to guarantee better health for a vast territory The infrastructure, tools and human resources were highly anticipated and now we can put them at the service of people and communities. “