The Ukrainian police arrested a woman who was walking naked through the streets of Kharkiv and discovered that she had a severed head in her bag.
At dawn the inhabitants of Kharkiv (Ukraine) encountered a woman walking completely naked on the street. Unusual clothing has shocked Those who called the police to stop walking without clothes. When officers approached the woman, they immediately understood that something was wrong. From the appearance, it was evident that he was in shock. He also had a knife in one hand, the bag in the other, and his face and hands were covered in blood.
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However, the most shocking surprise was the agents when they asked for the documents, thinking that he had placed them in the bag behind him. Within this they found the head of a very young woman. The police tried to understand by her who the victim was, why she had her head in the bag and what had happened, but she refused to speak to them.
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Naked woman arrested: she had a head in her bag
Possible clues as to who is the victim of the heinous murder came a few hours later from the small town of Podvorki. Here, in fact, a desperate man called the police to warn them that he had found the granddaughter’s decapitated body in her room. According to what you learn from local news, lives in the same house with her 13-year-old sister and granddaughter. The police will therefore carry out the DNA test in the next few hours to make sure that the head in the woman’s bag is that of the poor girl killed in Podvorki.
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