Rome, Pallotta in a secret team studying the coronavirus cure


ROME – everything world the cure is sought againstcoronavirus, but in the United States according to Wall street journal would have been born a secret group of scientists and billionaires who would be studying how to solve the emergency once and for all. The team that would later present the project at the White House also has the President of Rome James Pallotta.

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The research team is led by Dr. Tom. Cahill, who was introduced to Pallotta by his son. And from there a collaboration began for the Raptor Group, who also has healthcare in his investment business. The team includes biologists, chemists, an immunobiologist, a neurobiologist, a chronobiologist, an oncologist, a gastroenterologist, an epidemiologist, and a nuclear scientist. Among the scientists at the center of the project also Michael Rosbash, winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize.

The working group has analyzed the main scientific publications on viral pathologies for weeks: now it is focused on testing existing drugs, but not in hydroxychloroquine, the medicine of which Donald triumph He spoke for weeks, considered ineffective to them. According to the group, the answer could be the administration of much higher doses of drugs used against Ebola.

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