Afternoon meetings for Giuseppe Conte with a view to the launch of the May decree. By video link the Prime Minister met with the Cigl, Cisl and Uil unions, Secretaries Landini, Furlan, Barbagallo. Undersecretary Fraccaro, ministers Gualtieri, Patuanelli, Catalfo attended. Prime Minister meeting also with Ugl, Cisal and Confsal, and then with the cooperative alliance and the third sector forum.
The Prime Minister will meet with Confindustria, Ance and other business associations in the morning. Then a table is scheduled with Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Cis and others, then the Business Network and follow Abi and Ania always in the May decree.
We must roll up our sleeves, we will have a sharp drop in GDP. We will work to leave no one behind, Prime Minister said to the representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL as reported by the participants in the meeting. The downward forecast for GDP is -8%, but “it could contract further,” he said, speaking of “increasing economic and social emergency.” “We are writing an important chapter of this tough test, said the prime minister, which is related to economic measures. It is a striking plan, we must be effective in supporting families, workers and companies. A difficult phase awaits us. and we must all redouble our efforts. Manga. We don’t want to leave anyone behind and we are working to preserve employment levels. ”
What we are talking about is “Visible but safe intervention will not be a panacea for all the negative consequences we are experiencing, but we are doing everything we can to limit the damage.“said the Prime Minister, speaking to the unions, as he learned from those attending the meeting.
“Together with the ministers, we are working with the Scientific Technical Committee on prudent and rigorous child safety protocols, and also with Anci to have a range of proposals that take into account the territorial peculiarities and needs of families,” he said. What we learn, Prime Minister Conte at the meeting with the unions talking about summer camps and schools.
“To really restart the country, we need a ‘social pact’ to combine modernity and equity. Therefore, in perspective, the launch of a project table with the social partners is precious”, Prime Minister Conte told the unions. “A table aimed at defining innovative and appropriate contractual forms for new forms of work, thinking about development and training models to relaunch growth, both in the private sector and in the PA, and promoting participatory forms of development. These are the stones corners on which to work together. “
With the April decree, the government wants “to mitigate the possible fall in GDP” and “safeguard companies, employment and social responsibility,” said the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri at the meeting with the representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL as reported by meeting participants. There would be three billion and 250 million in the measure to strengthen medical care.
The government intends to provide another nine weeks of layoffs on the Covid occasion, as well as the two-month extension for Naspi and Duscoll for collaborators. The Minister of Labor put it this way: Nunzia Catalfo CGIL, CISL and UIL as reported by the meeting participants. There will also be an allowance for domestic workers and caregivers, but not layoffs. The introduction of emergency income is being studied. In the next decree in May there will be “a simplification of the procedures for the transmission and processing of Cig applications” and “protections for workers in the entertainment and sports sectors”, Minister Catalfo said. And again: with the May DL, the blocking of layoffs will increase from two to five months, so it will be extended for another three months, Catalfo explained by videoconference. Catalfo emphasized that in these emergency months, INPS had to deal with exceptional benefits for 11 million workers and that in the decree there will be a simplification for social safety nets that will lead to a reduction in delivery times. In the next decree in May there will be “a simplification of the procedures for the transmission and processing of Cig applications” and “protections for workers in the entertainment and sports sectors”.
“We have allocated a total of 80 billion euros in a month with decrees. It is clear that there is still no date for the Council of Ministers because a decree is being developed” for which “at other times in our history” it took ” three months by law, “said the chancellor Luigi Di Maio.
“I asked for more than 3,000 million euros in the May decree, which will be approved this week, to give more strength to our Health Service”, said the health minister, Roberto Speranza, who spoke in ‘Di Martedì’ on La7.
In a meeting with Ugl, Cisal and Confsal, Conte stressed that, in parallel with the decree on economic measures, the government “is already working on another provision that will be entirely devoted to bureaucratization, with simplification rules” to accelerate ” a significant investment way for the revitalization of the country. ” The reference is a decree that must be approved after the May decree.
CONTE INTERVIEW – “The Italians have shown, in general, a great sense of responsibility. In the reaction of the citizens, I had a great desire to start again, but also an awareness that we must do it in compliance with the rules.” So, in an interview with the online newspaper Affaritaliani.it, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. “The movements on public transport and the return to work of millions of people are carried out without undue inconvenience. It is an encouraging first step, but let’s not forget that the road is long and we should never let our guard down. “
“Until May 17, the measures contained in the last Dpcm will be in force. The regions They will provide us with updated data every day, “Conte added.” Regarding the rules, I am sure that the epidemiological curve may decrease even more in some territories. I do not ignore the requests of some Regions and some particular categories to anticipate the opening of their respective activities. We are also working towards this, always having as a priority the general interest of protecting the health of all citizens. ”
“In due course, once all the necessary information has been acquired, it will be inevitable to determine any responsibility for managing the pandemic that has affected the current emergency at the international level,” responds the prime minister, speaking of the White House accusations against China on the spread of the coronavirus. “For the moment, we consider it a priority to encourage international collaboration as a fundamental tool to beat the virus and protect global health. Italy, Conte says, believes very much in this possibility of cooperation and is ready to make its contribution, as we already are. doing in the framework of the Global Alliance against Coronavirus and, certainly, we intend to do our best in the exercise of our next G20 Presidency “.
“L ‘European Union He is proving in recent weeks that he has understood the mistakes of the past. Also in reference to the beginning of the pandemic, when Italy found itself alone. I am sure that both in the economic response and in the fight against Covid-19 Europe will be able to meet this historic challenge, “Conte said.