99 new positives in Emilia Romagna, the highest number of new cases in Bologna and Modena


Since the beginning of the outbreak Coronavirus, in Emilia romagna 32,021 positive cases were registered, 99 more than yesterday, of which 45 asymptomatic were identified as part of the regional contact tracing and detection activities. The number of swabs performed exceeds 10,700. The average age of new positives today is 34 years.

Coronavirus Emilia Romagna: where do the new positives come from

“The control and prevention activity continues”, says the Region, reciting the data “verified at 12 noon today based on institutional requests – relative to the advance of the epidemic in our territory”: of the 99 new cases, more half (55) were already isolated at the time of swab execution and 49 were identified in known outbreaks.

There are 23 new infections related to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. . The number of readmission cases from other regions is 16. Of 45 new asymptomatic patients, 12 were identified through screening and tests introduced by the Region, 32 thanks to contact tracing, and 1 case arose from pre-admission tests.

Covid in Bologna and in the rest of Emilia Romagna: latest updates

Regarding the situation in the area, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (22), Bologna (20) and Ravenna (12) and Forlì (10).

In the province of Modena, of 22 cases, 10 were identified upon return from abroad (2 from India, 4 from Albania, 2 from Spain and 2 from Greece), 4 refer to returns from Sardinia, 1 is a positive case contact who returned from Sardinia, 3 are part of family outbreaks, 4 are finally classified as sporadic.

In Bologna and its province, out of 20 new cases, 5 were identified upon their return from Sardinia, 5 upon returning from abroad (2 from France, 1 from Ukraine, 2 from Russia), 6 from follow-up after family outbreaks, 3 are attributable to the isolated group at the Cervia nightclub, 1 swab to detect the presence of symptoms.

In the province of Ravenna, out of 12 new cases, 10 were identified thanks to contact tracing from known positives, mainly in the family, 1 was diagnosed upon returning from abroad (Albania) and 1 had a swab performed again for the presence of symptoms.

In Forlì, out of 10 new positives, 3 are attributable to the disco in Cervia, 1 was identified when returning from Sardinia, 1 returned from abroad (Romania), 2 are close contacts of already known positives, 2 have been cleaned to detect presence of symptoms, 1 I carried out spontaneous controls in a private laboratory.

The swabs made yesterday are 10,764, for a total of 910,497. To these are added 1,880 serological tests.

Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, are 3,061 to date (84 more than those registered yesterday). There is no death in all of Emilia-Romagna.

People in isolation at home, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 2,946 (+84 compared to yesterday), 95% of active cases. Patients in intensive care (9) and those hospitalized in other Covid wards remain stable (106).

A total of 24,497 people were recovered (+15 compared to yesterday): 25 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 24,472 those declared cured in all aspects because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

Covid, new positives and total number of infected in Emilia Romagna, data province by province

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,816 in Piacenza (unchanged), 3,972 in Parma (+9, of which 5 symptomatic), 5,389 in Reggio Emilia (+8, of which 4 symptomatic), 4,419 in Modena (+22, of which 14 symptomatic), 5,699 in Bologna (+20, of which 13 symptomatic), 501 cases in Imola (unchanged), 1,231 in Ferrara (+7, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,447 in Ravenna (+12, of which 5 symptomatic), 1,139 in Forlì (+10, of which 4 symptomatic), 975 in Cesena (+7, of which 5 symptomatic) and 2,433 in Rimini (+4, of which 2 symptomatic).

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