
Brunella Bolloli
It is not a question of popularity or personal satisfaction: in recent months Giuseppe Conte He was present on the unified networks so frequently that he stole the show from the most famous directors in circulation. In his honor, on social networks, the false telenovela Il Decreto was born, an ironic reinterpretation of the Spanish telenovela Il Segreto, which reached 2,324 episodes and closed there in advance due to lack of listeners and a little due to the Covid stoppage. Giuseppe, needless to say, with his lock and his handbag is the absolute protagonist, the subject of satire and therefore also of viral advertising. Everyone knows who he is because with his recited Dpcm urbi et orbi at dinner time, the ombudsman remains, according to the leader of the Brothers of Italy. Giorgia Meloni, the most popular politician at the moment. Yet hardly anyone would vote for this government and would want Conte as prime minister again. This was stated in a survey carried out on a representative sample of Italian adults, a thousand women and men, carried out by Political Analysis, the research company directed by Arnaldo Ferrari Nasi. The question being asked is clear and says: «In recent days there have been strong tensions in the majority that supports the Conte government. If the executive fell, among these possibilities, it would be better for Italy … ».

Four possible answers (in addition to the inevitable fifth “I don’t know” given by 12% of those interviewed). The one that has been most successful (32%) plans to dissolve the Chambers immediately and call new political elections as soon as possible “to verify the will of the citizens.” “This is the answer that has the greatest consensus among the most productive segment of the population, the one ranging from 36 to 55 years old,” explains Ferrari Nasi, who deepened his research distinguishing, in the analyzed sample, the different degrees (average , diploma, degree), geo-economic areas (high, medium or low GDP) and political position of voters. If it is almost taken for granted that the exponents of the right immediately ask for elections (Fdi for 60%, Lega for 63%), the second answer to the initial question also makes us reflect, namely: “Re-name Giuseppe Conte, just to form a government specifically to accompany Italy to the elections, made up of Pd, 5Stelle, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia and the other parties ».
In practice, a “bridge” executive who would only be in office for a few months, long enough to attend to the most pressing matters and then return to the polls. A Palazzo Chigi with everyone inside, but only 21% of the sample in question like it. The sovereigns who are currently in the opposition are not, as long as they are in favor, according to the Political Analysis survey, they would be the grillini at 50%, the Democratic Party only 34% and the Renzianos of Italia Viva at 51%. Translated: even among the majority forces there is a desire for change. But even more surprising is the very low percentage of those who open to a Count-ter: only 13%. A sign that the experience of the Giallorossi government is destined not to be repeated and there are no crowds to support the continuation of the current legislature. A few tweaks to the team, hobbling on key ministries, aren’t enough to change the DNA of an executive born only to stop right.
And then, analyzes Ferrari Nasi, “the economic stagnation, the lack of disbursements still today of the dismissals of the last months, the lack of a vision, at a health level, that goes beyond the opening-closing mechanism and related supplies weighed we have gotten used to it so far. ”Appointing Conte again to form a third political government and cope with this legislature is an idea that he does not like and, furthermore, points out the pollster,” we already know that for 2 out of 3 Italians the first Minister does not know how to govern and among those who do not have confidence in him there are also voters from the Democratic Party and Cinquestelle. Then the hypothesis, contemplated in the last answer to the question, of an executive led by a super-parts personality, a high-profile technician like Mario Draghi, returns. Those of Action, Carlo Calenda’s party, would support him with Bulgarian percentages (84%), and in general he would not care about many voters who are in the center-left (38%) more than in the center-right (22%) . Meanwhile, Conte is wrestling with Renzi, a thorn in the side of the majority, willing to make him lose the votes in the courtroom. A challenge to OK Corral between the two since the last confrontation between ministers and Iv’s delegation did not lead to an agreement on the Recovery Plan, delegation to the Secret Services and reforms. One thing is certain: before January 10, the Recovery node must be dissolved and, above all, that of the continuation of the government. On how the next few hours will be decisive.