862 cases in Salento. Here are the country numbers


SALENTO – Like every week, this Friday the ASL of Lecce has also published the weekly report (updated to today, November 6, 2020 on the cases of Covid in our province). The SARS-CoV-2 only spares two countries in the province of Lecce: for the rest it is advancing everywhere. There are 862 citizens present in the province of Lecce currently Covid positive: they have more than doubled, because they were 412 last week. The increase in cases registered in the last week in several municipalities from Lecce and Taurisano stands out, where 112 currently positive residents are registered. Starting tomorrow, Saturday, November 7, the “drive through” station in Taurisano will be active in which the Prevention Department, also thanks to the collaboration of a team made available by the Italian Army, will launch a screening campaign on the population local through Performing pharyngeal nasal smear. The tensioned structure is located in Piazza Unità d’Italia in the market area and is open from 8 am to 1 pm, Monday to Saturday. The execution of the buffer is made prior reservation managed by the Municipality of Taurisano. The Civil Protection has provided the ASL of Lecce with 13 instruments to carry out rapid antigenic tests for Sars-Cov-2, destined to a large extent, at this moment, by the Prevention Department at the Drive through station in Taurisano.

The report shows the trend of the SARS-CoV-2 infection with the data from February 29, the data from today and those recorded in the report from a week ago. Alliste it goes up to 4 (but the ASL report would not be updated in the last hours: there would be a 50-year-old and an 11-year-old among the new cases). Galatina is 29, 3 currently positive a Galatone and 13 to Gallipoli. Tricase goes up to 23; Cutrophian in 14 cases; Soleto stays at 12; Casarano has 22 current positives. There are 9 positives to Supersano and Squinzano. There are 10 in Presicce-Acquarica. 11 positives currently in Cavallino, Maglie, Spongano and Salice Salentino. There are 7 cases a San Cesario and 8 in San Donato. Monteroni and Montesano Salentino both are in 8 cases. There are 6 patients with covid-19 a Carmiano, Minervino di Lecce, Poggiardo and Novoli. Collepasso has 5, such as Cannole, Caprarica di Lecce, Calimera, Lizzanello, Aradeo, Arnesano, Lequile, Leverano, and Tuglie. Diso stays at 4, along with San Cassiano. Castro has 3 positives, such as Andrano, Sannicola, Seclì and Specchia. Go up to 2 Neviano, like Uggiano La Chiesa, Salve, Corsano, Cursi, Morciano di Leuca and Miggiano. It rises to 18 Nardò. Taviano has 17, while Corigliano d’Otranto has 16 residents with the covid. There are 18 in Racale, 15 in Ruffano and 12 in Trepuzzi. Carpignano Salentino and Cavallino are currently positive at 11. Copertino has 10 positive residents. Veglie 10, Vernole 8, Ugento 21 and Zollino 13. In Alezio, Giuggianello, Sanarica, Giurdignano, Surano, Botrugno and Porto Cesareo a contagion.

The work of the Prevention Department continues in activities to prevent and combat the spread of Covid-19.

The Public Hygiene Services, whose network of 13 Territorial Operational Units has been reorganized, is constantly engaged in health surveillance, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine measures, and swabs. Spesals, who are concerned with control and prevention in the workplace to protect not only workers but also the people who frequent them, have strengthened their business. Last initiative, in order of time: on a voluntary basis, public bus personnel will be tested for antigen.
