8,585 new cases and 445 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,056,277 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 8,585, + 0.4% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +8,913), while I deaths today I am 445, + 0.6% (yesterday they were +298), for a total of 72,370 victims since February. People recovered or discharged I am 1,408,686 usually: 14,675 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 1% (yesterday they were +7,798). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 575,221, equal to -6,539 compared to yesterday, -1.1% (yesterday they were +817). There decrease in current positives today – with the minus sign in front – it depends on the cured, added to the deaths, being in greater numbers than in the new cases.

me tampons They were 68,681, or 8,802 more than yesterday when it was 59,879. While the positivity rate of the 12.5% (the 12.499% approximation): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 12 were positive; yesterday it was 14.9%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.

Fewer infections in 24 hours than yesterday, compared to more swabs, after yesterday the number of tests was the lowest in the second wave (less than the more than 60,000 processed on October 5). According to the analysis of the physicist Giorgio Sestili: the number of tampons manufactured in Italy has almost halved in the last month compared to November, from about 1.5 million per week to just over 900 thousand.

The impression that we are in one stabilization situation: some regions are showing signs of improvement and others, like Veneto, are facing a critical phase. One value to keep in mind to understand how the scenario is evolving is the proportion of cases per swab (the positivity rate) which indicates the trend of infections regardless of the number of swabs. Rate it went down and went from 14.9% to 12.5% ​​today, but not 8% on December 22 (the low of the month). If yesterday there were almost 15 cases for every 100 tests, today more than 12 are identified.

Only the Veneto – the region most affected since December 5 – has a four-digit increase in cases (+2,782). All other regions report having new three- or two-digit cases, with the exception of Molise, which scores positively +7.

Ordinary hospitalizations increase for the second day in a row, after a long period of decline, while in intensive care it decreases. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I am +361 (yesterday +259), for a total of 23,932 hospitalized. While the most seriously ill of intensive care (YOU) I am 2,565 total: here the number of beds occupied in resuscitation is -15 compared to the previous day (zero yesterday), but they are +167 people join IT (yesterday +148), and Campania did not provide this data.

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December 28, 2020 (change December 28, 2020 | 17:25)

