814 deaths and 24,099 cases. Intensive care in decline


Coronavirus in Italy, Bulletin Friday December 4 of the Ministry of Health. While the ISS reports that RT is falling below 1, but Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia remain at high risk, today the new positives registered in the last 24 hours there are 24,099 with 212,741 swabs (yesterday was 23,225 with 226,729 swabs). 814 dead (It was 993 yesterday, the record since the start of the pandemic). With 25,576 discharged / healed more in the last 24 hours, the currently positive drop slightly to 757,702 (2,280 less than yesterday, when there was a decrease of 1,248 units).

Read also> Covid, Iss: Rt at 0.91, less than 1 in 16 regions

the the total of deaths amounts to 58,152. The total number of cases is 1,688,939 since the beginning of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Of the 814 dead today 147 come from Lombardy, 85 from Campania, 83 from Veneto and 72 from Puglia (record number). The region most affected is also today Lombardy with 4,533 new positives, followed by Veneto (3,708), Emilia Romagna (2,139) and Piedmont (2,132).

WEEK Latest Friday November 27, the new positives were 28,352 (with 222,803 swabs and 827 deaths). This week (Monday to Friday) the additional cases are therefore 103,760, almost 26 thousand less than last week when the new cases were 129,370 (-19.8%). In however, the number of tampons also dropped dramatically, 959,228 this week while last week they were 1,023,125 (-6.25%).

TODAY’S NEWSLETTER (click to view pdf)

I Covid-19 cases in Italy Since the beginning of the emergency there are already 1,688,939 (24,099 more than yesterday), of which 58,852 dead and 872,285 discharged and recovered, 25,576 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of currently positive in our country it is 757,702, yesterday it was 759,982, a decrease of 2,280 units. THE tampons those carried out with molecular tests to date are 22,767,130, of which 212,741 in the last day (yesterday they were 226,729). The total of tested people is 13,348,428.

I hospitalized with symptoms they are 31,200, 572 less than yesterday. the people in home isolation there are 722,935 (1,678 less). am 3,567 patients in intensive care (-30 compared to yesterday when there were 3,597) of which 822 in Lombardy (-14), 360 in Lazio (-4), 357 in Piedmont (-9) and 309 in Veneto (+2). Since yesterday the Ministry has also provided new admissions to intensive care and not only the difference in the total number of patients in the last 24 hours: the worst figure is for the second consecutive day in Puglia (+42), followed by Lombardy (+36), Veneto (+22), Emilia Romagna (+ 18), Tuscany and Lazio (+16).

Last update: Friday, December 4, 2020, 18:09

