There are 251 cases of Covid in the province of Frosinone in two days. It’s the worst start to the week of my life. And the cases in the last five days become 806. Many more the certificates between March and April, which were 649.
The update
The ASL then reported another 147 cases out of a total of about 1,500 tampons for an incidence that is just under 10%. At the top of the list of 37 municipalities in Ciociaria with at least one case is Cassino with 27 also thanks to the 600 swabs made, followed by Frosinone 12, Ceccano 8, Sora, Ferentino and Fiuggi 7, Alatri 6, Boville Ernica, Cervaro, Pontecorvo and Veroli 5. A dozen cases attributable to schools with the consequent isolation of the classes in question. Meanwhile, those hospitalized in the different departments of Covid amount to 70.
Backlog deleted
As already announced in these columns, the delays ended in the communication on Monday. There were about three hundred and they accumulated in about 7/8 days. Delays due to several factors: first, the increase in tampons made, up to a maximum of 2,300 in one day. Then there is a technical element which is the fact that an account is a positive case, another is the reporting and uploading by Sisp on the Seresmi platform. It all includes tracing or calling all contacts from the positive and then following the subsequent buffers. It happened, also due to staff shortages, that it was not possible to load all the cases on time. Interim general manager Patrizia Magrini made herself heard and intervened to clear the backlog as soon as possible, giving instructions so that this no longer happens. Also because, in cascade, there have been delays in the mapping of positives. However, when the old cases were uploaded there was an anomalous wave, which was also the subject of a videoconference with Seresmi technicians. Thus, they had the collaboration of the Lazio Region to get rid of the three hundred upside down pads. Another problem was the 160 people who repeated the swab, which was abnormal. Of these, about thirty were still positive. So 130 swabs were false positives and this ASL is doing research.
In the court of Frosinone, the reorganization was carried out on Monday after the positivity of a criminal lawyer. The president Paolo Sordi has ordered the cessation of all activities at 4:00 p.m. and leave the doors of all the rooms open so that the company in charge can sanitize all the rooms. Yesterday, in court, the activity resumed regularly. The prosecutor also moved, with the acting prosecutor Adolfo Coletta who highlighted how “the positivity to the virus was denounced by a lawyer from the forum who regularly frequents the facilities of the Palace of Justice and the cleaning of the court’s offices was ordered.” and power “.
In turn, it was considered that “with absolute dedication and as a priority, the objective of real containment of close interpersonal relationships within the office and with users should be pursued in this phase to favor, with the least possible damage, overcoming the health emergency “. Hence the withdrawal by the regent attorney to the “obligation to wear protective masks and to observe adequate spacing”, “of the obligation, on the part of employees, to demand the use of masks and adequate spacers by de people out of the office “,” from the obligation of employees and users with flu-like symptoms and, in any case, with a body temperature above 37.5 °, not to enter the office until complete recovery “,” from the prohibition general of ‘public access’ in the prosecutor’s offices of the 5th to 8th floors “except for accesses by specific call of specific acts, until the date of 01 / 31-2021”, “of the obligation to present documents before part of the defenders and by the PG at the reception, located on the 6th floor ». Other limitations have been established, also for interviews with prosecutors, except in cases of emergency and prior telephone request, as well as the “possibility of presenting and proposing complaints and complaints exclusively in the judicial police units outside the court.” Investigative meetings with magistrates should be held only remotely.
The reports
Yesterday was the news of the positivity of an employee of the municipality of Cassino. The mayor announces it on the web live. Enzo Salera says: “This employee has never been in contact with the public.” The Accounting, Protocol, Fiscal, Administrative Area and Legal Affairs offices are isolated by sanitation. According to the bulletin on Monday night at 22.58 – added the mayor – another 12 citizens of Cassino were positive, the total is 115: of these only three are hospitalized.
From Sora the news that a young priest residing at the curia headquarters tested positive. Swabs to the priests.
The mayor of Campoli Appennino Pancrazia Di Benedetto announces that “to the three cases of yesterday (Monday, ed) there are another two for a total of five. The official lists released by the ASL do not take into account citizens who tested positive for swabs that can be performed at affiliated facilities (quick swabs). We recommend, in the case of a positive swab, to adopt responsible behaviors of voluntary isolation, including cohabitants, while waiting to be subjected to the official swab by the ASL.
Also in Arcinazzo Romano there are the first positives in Covid 19. ASL Roma 5 has communicated a positivity. “Unofficially – notify the Municipality – we learned of the positivity of two other fellow citizens of ours (already attentive to them too). They all appear to be in good health and asymptomatic. ‘
The tendency
In October, daily cases increased to 62.2 for a total of 1,244. These are figures never seen since the beginning of the emergency, as a result of the massive search for asymptomatic patients and contact tracing. The more cases that are discovered, the greater the number of swabs and, as a percentage, the number of those that test positive also increases. In addition, the October figures are not at all comparable with those of the other months ending on March 416 for a daily average of 13.8 cases, from 233 in April with 7.76, out of 51 total between May and July with a monthly average of 0.83, 0.46 and 0.36, then the 159 cases in August (5.12) and 223 in September (7.43).
For the fifth day in a row, triple-digit infections are seen. That the trend was changing was felt in the middle of the second week of October when it went from a daily average, until the 6th of the month, of 15.5, to one of 36.5 in the next six days and 116.5. in the last eight days. Even compared to the beginning of last week, which opened with 30 and 39 infections, the difference is palpable. The last day without contagion dates back to September 14.
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