Since the 54th report of Censis discovered that “79.8% of Italians ask not to loosen or tighten the restrictions” for Christmas and New Year. A slightly lower percentage of people indicate anxiety and “fear of the unknown” as the predominant sentiment during the Covid pandemic.
Almost 80% of Italians say they are in favor of tightening the rules for the next holidays, Christmas and December 31. This was revealed by Censis report 54 on the situation in the country. “In view of Christmas and the New Year – it reads – 79.8% of Italians ask not to loosen restrictions or tighten them. 54.6% will spend less on gifts to put under the tree, 59 6% will cut the expenses of the New Year’s Eve dinner. ”As for New Year’s Eve, for 61.6% of Italians it will be a sad and resigned party. According to the institute, the meaning of one of the most used phrases during the Covid pandemic : “Everything will be fine.” In fact, 44.8% of those interviewed are convinced that we will come out of this crisis worse and only 20.5% think otherwise.
Fear and anxiety during the pandemic
New Dpcm of December 4: what can and cannot be done
73.4% of Italians indicate fear of the unknown and the consequent anxiety as the prevailing sentiment since the coronavirus emergency began. It’s one of the verdicts that came out of the latest Censis report. “The State – it is explained – is the lifeline to cling to in the face of the greatest danger. 57.8% of Italians are willing to renounce personal freedoms in the name of protecting collective health, leaving the government to decide when and how to leave. at home, in what is authorized and what is not, in the people who can be known, in the limitations to personal mobility. “In addition, 38.5% are willing to renounce their civil rights for greater economic well-being, accepting limits “the right to strike, freedom of opinion and to join unions and associations.”
About distance learning
As for the school, “for 74.8% of managers, distance education has increased the learning gap among students”, although “95.9% strongly or fairly agree that Dad was a useful experiment for teaching “Only 11.2% of the more than 2,800 school leaders interviewed confirmed that they were able to involve all students in teaching. 82.1%, then, “stated that the different technological equipment and the different familiarity of use have been an obstacle both among teachers and among students.” The main subjects at risk are the first generations of non-Italian students and students with disabilities or learning difficulties for whom “The sociability that is established in the classroom is irreplaceable,” the document reads.