“76 immigrants at sea in protest, for which NGOs blackmail Italy” – Libero Quotidiano


Matteo salvini confirms that he is always very careful when it comes to uncontrolled landings, those that constantly hits Sicily and therefore all of Italy. “About 300 clandestine immigrants were brought to Palermo today by the Spanish The open arms“This is the information sent by the secretary of the Northern League, who then adds:” 76 threw themselves into the sea for ‘protest’, recovered by the Coast Guard. We are being blackmailed by foreign NGOs, the other Mediterranean countries do not let them arrive, we have open ports and a rich hospitality on cruise ships ”. Meanwhile, “human smugglers” and “fake sweets” continue unabated with the “immigration business” and “feed the manger” while “rubbing their hands.” Finally Salvini ironically addressed the “congratulations to Pd and 5 Stars for the excellent work“About migrants.

Among other things, always from the League, the alarm has been raised about a reception facility in Palermo, which houses 700 people and that could become an outbreak without control: “In light of the latest positive data for coronavirus – he declared. Francesca Donato, MEP of the Northern League: the danger of a possible new blockade in Sicily it could be real. The structure is inadequate from any sanitary point of view to protect those who reside and visit it from the risk of contagion. It is not tolerable that we continue to ignore the problem of the numerous landings of illegal immigrants. An irresponsibility that cannot be hidden behind the presumed right to reception, which in reality does not exist even for the vast majority of irregular immigrants ”.

Commerce, decadence, violence: illegal immigrants out of control.  The impressive video relaunched by Salvini
