7,332 new cases, 43 deaths, and 152,000 swabs. 400 hospitalizations in 24 hours


Covid, today's newsletter October 14, 2020: 7,332 new cases, 43 deaths and 152 thousand swabs

There are 7,332 i new cases Alabama COVID-19 in Italy according to bulletin of the October 14, 2020. It is the historical record for the number of infections recorded in 24 hours. THE dead they were 43, two more than yesterday. There is also an absolute record for tampons: 152 thousand. Lombardy is at the top among the regions with the highest number of new cases: 1,844. They are followed by Campania (818) and Veneto (657). There are 539 patients in intensive care.

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Covid Italia, an absolute record for new infections

The number of 7,332 new cases is the highest ever recorded since the start of the pandemic in Italy and breaks the record of March 21, at the beginning of the emergency, when there were 6,557 cases in one day: in that case, however, the swabs made were 26,336 while yesterday they were made 152,196. The number of positives is currently also growing: according to data from the Ministry of Health to date there are 92,445, an increase of 5,252 compared to Tuesday. Of these, 5,470 are hospitalized in ordinary wards, 394 more in the last 24 hours, 539 are in intensive care, an increase of 25 compared to yesterday, and 86,436 are in home isolation (+4,833). The growth in discharges and recovered is less evident: 2,037 in one day, bringing the total to 244,065.

Lombardy, 1,844 new positives

With 29,048 swabs made: 1,844 new positives were registered in Lombardy, of these 1,032 in Milan, of which 504 in the city. On the other hand, there are 17 deaths, a number that brings the overall total from 17,000 to 17,011.

Veneto, a new boom in cases: 657

New outbreak of Covid infections in Veneto, where 657 positives are registered in the last 24 hours (yesterday there were 485). The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 32,973. On the other hand, there are no victims: the figure remains stable at 2,226. This was stated in the bulletin of the Region. On the other hand, both the subjects in home isolation, 12,834 (+1,151), and those currently positive, 7,182 (+527), rose sharply. There was a slight decrease in the number of hospitalizations in normal hospital wards, 359 (-3), and of patients in intensive care, 40 (-1).

Tuscany, 575 positives in 24 hours

In Tuscany there are 19,681 cases of positivity to the coronavirus, 575 more than yesterday (408 identified in the course of the screening and 167 from the detection activities). New cases are 3% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of the 575 cases at present is approximately 42 years (19% are under 20, 27% between 20 and 39, 29% between 40 and 59, 21% between 60 and 79, 4% age 80 or older). Those cured grew 0.6% and reached 11,071 (56.3% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 867,671, 11,033 more than yesterday. 7,405 subjects were tested (excluding control swabs), of which 7.8% were positive. The current positives are 7,427 today, + 7.4% compared to yesterday. There are 275 hospitalized patients (13 more than yesterday), of which 46 in intensive care (2 more). Today there are 2 new deaths: 2 men, with an average age of 81 years, in Pisa. There are 5,541 cases in total to date in Florence (196 more than yesterday), 1,374 in Prato (44 more), 1,322 in Pistoia (36 more), 1,713 in Massa (19 more), 2,305 in Lucca (37 more), 2,432 in Pisa (85 more), 999 in Livorno (37 more), 1,797 in Arezzo (77 more), 924 in Siena (27 more), 724 in Grosseto (17 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Therefore, the cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority are 276, 178 in the Northwest, 121 in the Southeast.

Emilia Romagna, 399 cases and 4 deaths

There are 339 new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov2 in Emilia-Romagna and in the last 24 hours, based on 15,607 swabs, according to data released by the Region, four people have died: a 91-year-old woman in the Bolognese area, a 83-year-old man in the Ferrara area, an 82-year-old man in Imola and a 66-year-old man in the province of Modena. And the number of hospitalized patients also continues to grow steadily: 35 are in intensive care, 4 more than yesterday and 60 more in the rest of the Covid departments, for a total of 383. Of the new positives, 160 asymptomatic and 122 were already in isolation at the time of the swab. The average age of new positives today is 44.2 years. The highest numbers are registered in Bologna (69), Reggio Emilia (57) and Rimini (50).

Puglia, new positive record: 315

New record of positive cases for covid-19 today in Puglia. The psychological threshold of 300 has been exceeded. In fact, 315 infections have been registered compared to 180 yesterday. The number of buffers is also recorded. Today the tests are 5844, a quota never reached, while yesterday they were 5588. There are also two deaths, like yesterday: one in the province of Bari and another in the province of Foggia. The total number of deaths is 618. These are data from the daily epidemiological bulletin prepared by the Region, based on information from the Director of Health Promotion, Vito Montanaro. Of the 315 positive cases, 169 are in the province of Bari, 13 in the province of Brindisi, 28 in the province of Bat, 55 in the province of Foggia, 11 in the province of Lecce, 37 in the province of Taranto, 2 residents outside the region. emergency, 467,815 tests were performed. 5,317 patients (+82 compared to yesterday) and 4,229 currently positive cases (+ 31) were recovered, of which 334 were hospitalized (+1) and 3,895 at home (+230). 0.5% of current positives are hospitalized in intensive care and 7.4% in other departments. The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the emergency is 10,164, divided as follows: 4,164 in the province of Bari; 942 in the province of Bat; 817 in the province of Brindisi; 2462 in the province of Foggia; 911 in the province of Lecce; 785 in the province of Taranto, 79 attributed to residents outside the region; 4 province of unknown residence. The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

Walk, 166

The Marche Region Health Service has reported that 3,082 swabs have been tested in the last 24 hours: 1,777 in the new diagnostic route and 1,305 in the cured route. The positives are 166: 54 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 39 in the province of Ancona, 38 in the province of Macerata, 21 in the province of Fermo, 10 in the province of Pesaro Urbino and 4 outside the region. These cases include symptomatic subjects (25 cases detected), household contacts (47 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (30 cases detected), 3 returns from abroad (Romania, Albania and Tunisia), 2 cases detected by screening carried out in the care path, contacts in the work environment (7 cases detected), contacts in the living / entertainment environment (13 cases detected), 3 contacts in the care environment, contacts in the school / training environment (23 cases). Epidemiological investigations are underway in 13 cases.

Abruzzo, 126 new cases and one death

There are 126 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in the last hours in Abruzzo. They emerged from the analysis of 2,529 swabs. Of the total, 45 cases refer to the province of L’Aquila, 25 to the province of Chieti, 21 to Teramo, 14 to Pescarese and one patient outside the region, while for twenty controls are being carried out on the origin. There is a recent death, a 76-year-old from Fossacesia (Chieti): the death toll rises to 489. Among the places with the most new cases are L’Aquila (25), Celano and Vasto (10), Avezzano, Isola del Gran Sasso, Montorio al Vomano (5), Chieti, Pescara and Teramo (4). The new patients are between the ages of 5 and 89. There are twelve people under 19 years of age, of which 4 in the province of L’Aquila, 1 in the province of Pescara, 4 in the province of Chieti and 3 in the province of Teramo. Currently positive for the virus, 122 more, now there are 1,801: 154 patients (+8 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in non-intensive care and 15 (without changes) in intensive care, while the other 1,632 (+114) are in Isolation domiciliary with active surveillance by the ASL. The healed are 3,156 (+3).

Coronavirus, 126 other infections in Abruzzo. Total positives exceed 1,800

Sardinia, 122

A total of 5,417 positive Covid-19 cases have been detected in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency. In the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit, 122 new cases were registered, 104 detected through detection activities and 18 from suspicious diagnoses, slightly below the new record of yesterday (157 positives). There are no new victims: 168 in total. A total of 218,661 swabs were performed with an increase of 2,158 tests compared to the last update. On the other hand, 172 patients are currently hospitalized in non-intensive wards (+8 compared to yesterday’s figure), while the number of patients in intensive care remains stable: 26. There are 2,728 people in home isolation. The progressive number of positive cases includes 2,271 (+91) recovered patients, plus another 52 clinically recovered. In the territory, of the 5,417 positive cases verified in total, 851 (+19) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 686 (+18) in southern Sardinia, 410 in Oristano, 821 (+33) in Nuoro, 2,649 (+52) in Sassari.

Basilicata, 21 new infections

There are 21 new positive cases in Basilicata, of which 12 involve citizens of Puglia in isolation in their region, which were detected out of a total of 968 swabs processed yesterday. These are the data from today’s bulletin of the Basilicata Region working group. The positivity of the Lucanian residents refers to Calciano (2) and individual cases in five municipalities, in addition to a citizen residing in Piedmont and in isolation in Potenza and a woman from Campania admitted to the San Carlo hospital in Potenza for delivery. On the same day, two people residing in Pietragalla and Matera were healed. 35 people are hospitalized: in the San Carlo hospital in Potenza there are a total of 30 (16 in the department of infectious diseases, 11 pulmonology, 2 emergency medicine, 1 obstetrics) and 5 in the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera (in diseases infectious). In the bulletin of the regional working group, which indicates only the residents with registered tampons in Basilicata, the currently positive Lucans are 406 (+5), the deceased are 37, the cured 457 (+2). Another 50 (+2) cases involving non-resident citizens or foreigners (two are hospital admissions and the others are compulsory home isolation in Basilicata) are accounted for separately. Non-residents are not counted who, despite having had a swab in Basilicata, are isolated in Puglia or other regions. Since the beginning of the health emergency, 84,449 swabs have been analyzed, of which 83,345 were negative.

Last updated: 17:23

