
A blow to nightlife and a hand extended to public service. No more stores open after 11pm and push public office employees’ work from home by up to 70%. The measures, which will be contained in a new decree of the Prime Minister, are aimed at minimizing movements and meetings. The problem of how to reduce the movement of people, and consequently Covid, was yesterday at the center of the meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee that raised proposals that the Regional Affairs Minister, Francesco Boccia, will evaluate with regional presidents this afternoon.
Covid, the new guidelines
The government’s objective is to make the measures operational as soon as possible, without waiting, therefore, for the previous dpcm set for the 15th of the month to expire. In the executive, not everyone is in favor of tightening the measures and if the discussion is rekindled by the resistance of Renzian or regional presidents, the dpcm could be postponed but not beyond Wednesday when the previous measures expire. After the meeting that Ministers Boccia and Speranza will have with the regions, it will be up to Conte to pull the strings and sign the dpcm
The only productive activities that will be affected by the new squeeze are those related to the restoration with the premises where they are consumed standing up that will have to close at 21 and where instead they sit at 24. A repression that saves them from the closing measures arranged by third parties. countries and that above all saves other sectors from possible interventions, starting with schools, which help the spread of the virus but are considered more important.
What has already passed as an effective measure is the obligation of the mask to always be worn and not only in closed places or when distance is impossible. Repression of public events, demonstrations and parties even at home (no more than six people), also because it has been established that 75% of infections occur within the home. The masks should also be used for motor activity outdoors, therefore for walking but not for jogging and jogging, which are part of sports activities, according to the Interior Ministry yesterday.
The quarantine period has been reduced from two weeks to ten days and the positives, to get out of isolation, will no longer need the double negative buffer but one will be enough.
The CTS has identified 4 different types of situations: asymptomatic positives, symptomatic positives, asymptomatic positives who are unable to refuse, and close contacts. The first must observe 10 days of quarantine, from the diagnosis of positivity, and then undergo a molecular swab; even symptomatic patients will have to do 10 days of isolation, but before undergoing the single molecular swab provided they have spent at least 3 days without symptoms. For close contacts, after 10 days of quarantine, it will be possible to carry out the rapid test by general practitioners.
The decision to raise the smartworking of public employees to 70% seems destined to provoke a strong controversy. According to a recent survey of 3,000 companies belonging to Confartigianato, 69% of micro and small companies complain of great difficulties in accessing public services managed with smart working. “The critical problems reported by small businesses in our survey – underlined Giorgio Merletti, president of Confartigianato al Sole 24Ore – show that the Palestinian Authority must reorganize itself to allow public employees to perform their functions efficiently, while operating in smart work. It is not tolerable that, in addition to the difficulties of the crisis, entrepreneurs also have problems accessing public services. ”According to the majority of entrepreneurs who responded to the survey, the intelligent functioning of the PA is becoming a convenience for those who use it but with negative effects for entrepreneurs and citizen users due to a modest use of information technologies.
Public employees,
the movement for
limit contacts
Strengthening the use of smartworking for new public employees. Among the hypotheses that the government is examining is in fact the possibility of introducing the minimum threshold of 70% in public offices. Following the employees’ return to headquarters in September, 50% of the workforce currently works in smartworking. The new rule obviously aims to limit contacts between colleagues but also to lighten public transport.
Bars and restaurants closed
at 11pm and from 9pm
no standing drinks
Nightlife has been shown to be one of the main vehicles for spreading the virus. Especially among the young. Therefore, strict rules will come to the Dpcm to stop night and night meetings. From 9:00 p.m. to early morning, it will no longer be possible to consume food and beverages inside the premises and, therefore, also in the outdoor spaces (streets and squares) adjacent to the same premises. In any case, bars and restaurants must close at 23:00.
No more than thirty
wedding guest
and receptions
Those who dream of a large reception with hundreds of guests for their wedding, it is better to plan the event after Covid. The new provisions will return the limits to participants in public parties: a maximum of thirty people. It also applies to baptisms, confirmations, graduations, eighteen, birthdays even of small children, and any other type of reception. Even stricter limits (no more than six people), or even a ban, could be applied to parties in private homes.
Football, basketball
and volleyball: nothing
amateur matches
No more weekly soccer games with your group of friends. Among the new restrictions, the prohibition of practicing amateur “contact” sports is also being examined. So also football. But not only that: basketball and volleyball, for example, would also be prohibited. And so is boxing or judo and all martial arts. The ban, as mentioned, only applies to amateur sports. Professionals will be able to continue training and playing according to today’s rules.
Mouth and nose
covered everywhere
Few exceptions
Masks always outdoors, and if possible also indoors when strangers are received. And well placed in the nose and mouth. Anyone who gets smart by putting them under the chin or leaving the nostrils uncovered will be penalized. Masks should also be used for outdoor motor activity, therefore for walking. On the other hand, jogging and jogging are exempt, which are part of non-contact sports.
Stadiums, cinemas, theaters
maybe the cut
of the spectators
Perhaps other limitations on public participation in sporting events, starting with stadiums and arenas, and in shows open to the public in theaters, cinemas and concert halls. The current law allows the presence of a thousand people abroad and 200 in the interior and the intention of the government, at the suggestion of the scientific technical committee, would be to reduce these figures by half.
In suspicious cases
10 days will be enough
The quarantine for those who are positive could be shortened. Among the novelties of the new Dpcm would be the reduction of 4 days to the isolation period. In practice, the quarantine would last from 14 to 10 days and only one negative swab will be enough to be considered cured and not the two that are currently required. In this way, public structures that make tampons will be relieved and at the same time people will be able to return to their lives sooner.
Last updated: 06:20