70-75 percent work smart – Libero Quotidiano


Indiscretions, rumors, denials about the impending herd new dpcm government to contain the coronavirus emergency. And to put the dots on the “i”, burning everyone in time, think about it Giovanni toti, the governor of Liguria who announced it on Twitter: “The meeting between the Regions and the Government, with Ministers Speranza and Boccia, has just ended. We are working on some interventions that for the moment they exclude the curfew of the French model and further tightening in bars and restaurants, among those most affected by the crisis. “In short, curfews and a greater advance in the closing hours of bars and restaurants should therefore be excluded” for now. “As long as it is not granted that the situation does not continue rapidly getting worse. ” We are stronger than in March but new measures are needed to prevent Italy from reaching the level of other countries, ”he said. Roberto Speranza, Health Minister.

The government would be willing to intervene “with more force in non-essential things” to avoid a future total lockdown. And if the curfew is excluded for the moment, we are talking about a cessation of football matches and contact sports, even for teams and schools managed by sports clubs and associations. And again, the closure of gyms and game rooms, theaters and cinemas. Finally, we should get back at work, “a clear step to smart workSperanza explained. That is, the obligation for all companies to have a participation of employees between 70 and 75% working from home. The new dpcm is scheduled for Monday. The Scientific Technical Committee has been convened for 5 pm. Today Saturday October 17.
