We’re late. The prognosis is not the best. The perfect storm could soon hit Italy. Seven regions and the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano do not have enough influenza vaccines for the population at risk. The danger is high since these are the most vulnerable subjects in case of positivity for COVID-19. The foundation revealed this data yesterday Gimbe. Abruzzo, Basilicata, Lombardy, Molise, Piedmont, Umbria and Valle D’Aosta (including the two autonomous provinces) did not buy enough medicines. They would not have been able to cover the minimum quota of 75% of the subjects at risk in their respective territories: over 60 years, with particular pathologies and children between 6 months and 6 years. Furthermore, time is running out because if the vaccination campaign is not carried out “between mid-November and mid-December, the result of a strong population coverage disappears,” says Professor Nino Cartabellotta.
Flu vaccine, from children to over 60 years: with the Covid emergency here is who should do it and where
Covid, the study: fewer deaths and severe cases in areas with more flu vaccines
Not reassuring data. Because the problem does not concern only those who are considered most vulnerable but also those who are not: the active population, that is, those who are healthy and are vaccinated by choice. “There are no vaccines in the pharmacies,” accuses the president of Federfarma, Marco Cossolo, who points a finger at the regions for organizing supplies with guilty delay. However, according to Gimbe, not all regions would have behaved “superficially”. In fact, the study shows that Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia, Tuscany and Veneto have bought quite a bit. In short, their warehouses are full and can, theoretically, partially turn them over to individuals, therefore to pharmacies. Although in theory. Given that the shortcomings of other regions could lead to solidarity between the different organizations, obviously aimed at groups at risk.
In any case, as Cossolo from Federfarma points out, “the blanket is short.” The danger of not vaccinating an active part of Italians is high. Cartabellotta explains it in detail: “The more people we vaccinate, the less we stress the health system that is already struggling with Covid-19.” In short, it is not only necessary “to vaccinate people at risk but also those who are not, because they keep the country’s economy alive, already proven last spring.” Today, Cartabellotta adds, “if a company in Italy wants to vaccinate its employees, it cannot do so because there are not enough doses. Currently, coverage can only be guaranteed to one in three Italians. ‘ Then there is the profile linked to health: “Some people who are influenced end up in the hospital, so they put pressure on the health system. Then there is the problem of diagnosis, if a subject feels a fever or cough and has received the flu vaccine he is no longer a suspect for Covid – 19, if he has not done so there is no possibility of excluding this option. And finally the danger of contracting flu and coronavirus together ”. Now time is running out and, according to a study by the Monzino Heart Center in Milan, the flu vaccine would help fight SarsCov2. During the lockdown, in fact, in regions with a higher coverage rate among those over 65, there were fewer deaths from Covid-19.
In any case, Italy would have bought more doses this year than last year. Eleven million against almost 18 million in 2020. So why is there talk of scarcity? “You have to read the figures carefully”, explains Cossolo: “the audience of risk subjects for whom it was decided to supply the vaccine has been expanded this year by the ministry. Regions had to buy more to increase the number of people to be included in vaccination “and not in anticipation of Covid-19. This spike in demand for Italian vaccines by the public sector” that opened late for tenders had the effect of leaving individuals with nothing to do with it, “Cossolo accuses. The international quota planned for our country would have been absorbed entirely by the regions.
Last update: 00:47