68 new infections in more than 4 thousand tests in Puglia


In Puglia there are 68 new Covid-19 infections, the day the record of tests carried out is broken: 4,283. The epidemiological bulletin reveals only one case in the province of Brindisi. The other 67 are distributed as follows: 50 in the province of Bari, 5 in the province of Foggia, 3 in the province of Lecce, 7 in the province of Taranto, 2 outside the region. No deaths were recorded. However, hospitalizations are increasing. In fact, yesterday the hospitalized people were 122 of the 817 positive currently. Today there are 146 hospitalized, of the 922 currently positive.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 312,954 tests have been performed: 4067 recovered patients; Currently 922 are positive cases.
The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 5546, divided as follows: 1964 in the province of Bari; 449 in the province of Bat; 706 in the province of Brindisi; 1386 in the province of Foggia; 675 in the province of Lecce; 323 in the province of Taranto; 40 attributed to residents outside the region; 3 province of unknown residence (one case was removed from the database). The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

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The situation in the province of Brindisi

The general manager of ASL Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone, explains that the only positive registered in the Brindisi area is “a close contact of a case already tracked in the last days”. From what he learned, the 230 swabs made between Monday were negative and on Tuesday to the employees of the Ecotecnica company, a contractor of the municipal solid waste collection service on behalf of the Municipality of Brindisi, after the positivity of a security guard verified last week, only about fifteen workers are missing. for various reasons they were unable to undergo a screening examination.

ASL CEO Statements

Declaration Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “There are 50 cases of positivity to the virus registered today by the Department of Prevention. The majority, 37, are close contacts of cases already treated and under surveillance, then there are 2 returns from Malta, 2 from Sardinia, 1 from Sicily and 8 symptomatic ones identified in the triage areas of the health facilities. In eight cases hospitalization was required. We reiterate the importance of self-report for those who stay or return to Bari and its province, coming from the highest risk countries but also from other Italian regions, as well as the need to strictly comply with the rules to prevent the spread of infection: distances interpersonal; wear the mask; frequently disinfect hands with hydroalcoholic solutions. “

Statement from the CEO of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “The cases registered today by the Hygiene Service in the province of Foggia are 5. It is about 1 return from Greece; 2 close contacts of people who tested positive in recent days; 1 foreign citizen present in the provincial territory; 1 person identified during the screening activity “.

Dg statement ASL Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “The 3 cases registered today by the ASL Prevention Department refer to two foreign citizens temporarily present in our province and a resident already in isolation.”

Declaration Dg Asl Taranto, Stefano Rossi: “Today there are 7 cases in the province of Taranto: one refers to a person who arrived from Albania, 3 are contacts of cases already known to the prevention department. Instead, 3 cases refer to an RSA: as soon as the Prevention Department became aware of a positive case among the RSA guests, it immediately activated the projection on all guests and employees of the structure. There are 3 cases recorded in today’s bulletin, but I can already anticipate that another 17 people tested positive for the screening activity, both among guests and health workers, all asymptomatic. The situation is constantly monitored by ASL and we will give all updates as we get the swab results. “

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