672 deaths and 16,377 cases. It is the lowest figure since October 22


Coronavirus in Italy, the newsletter of Monday November 30 of the Ministry of Health. THE new positives recorded in the last 24 hours in Italy are 16,377 with 130,524 pads (yesterday it was 20,648 with 176,934 swabs). It is the lowest figure since October 22, when there were 16,078 new cases: the percentage of positive swabs out of the total is 12.55%. 672 dead (yesterday they were 541). With 23,004 downloaded / retrieved more in the last 24 hours, the currently positive falls slightly to 788,471 (7,300 less than yesterday, when there was an increase of 6,463 units).

Read also> Coronavirus in Lazio, 39 deaths and 1,589 new positives

the total dead from Covid-19 it amounts to 55,576. the the total number of cases is 1,601,554 since the beginning of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Of the 672 dead, 208 came from Lombardy, 85 from Piedmont, 49 from Sicily, 42 from Campania, 40 from Tuscany and 39 from Emilia Romagna. There Lombardy is not the most affected region today (also thanks to a smaller number of tampons) but Emilia Romagna with 2,041, followed by Veneto with 2.003. Less than two thousand cases instead of Lombardy (1,929), Campania (1,626), Lazio (1,589), Piedmont (1,185), Sicily (1,138) and Puglia (1,102).

TODAY’S NEWSLETTER (click to see the pdf)

I almost Covid-19 in Italy since the beginning of the emergency are now 1,601,554 (16,377 more than yesterday), of which 55,576 dead and 757,507 discharged and cured, 23.004 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of currently positive in our country it is 788,471, yesterday it was 795,771, a decrease of 7,300 units. am 3,744 the sick in intensive care (-9 compared to yesterday when there were 3,753) of which 906 in Lombardy (-1), 388 in Piedmont (+3), 350 in Lazio (-5), 320 in Veneto (+9) and 278 in Tuscany ( figure unchanged).

I 33,187 hospitalized with symptoms308 more than yesterday. the people in home isolation there are 751,540 (7,599 less). THE tampons carried out to date are 21,945,099, of which 130,524 on the last day (yesterday they were 176,934). The number of people really tried they are 12,986,634. Remember that each person can use more than one tampon.

Last update: Monday, November 30, 2020, 17:26

