65 new cases in Aretino. Five hospitalizations and two virus-positive newborns, ASL data


Sixty-four new infections. It is the figure reported by Asl Tuscany southeast in the last bulletin on the spread of the Coronavirus in the provincial territory. “The situation from 2:00 p.m. on October 10 to 2:00 p.m. on October 11 – explain from the health company – and related to the spread of Covid, highlights 64 new cases in the province of Arezzo “.

Among the municipalities with the highest rate of new positives is Arezzo with 17 infected citizens, followed by Bibbiena with 7, Montevarchi with 6, Terranuova Bracciolini and Marciano della Chiana with 5 each, San Giovanni Valdarno and Lucignano 4 new cases in both. the municipalities, Laterina Pergine Valdarno with 3, Subbiano and Castiglion Fiorentino with two in each. Inefections also found in Bucine, Cavriglia, Chitignano, Civitella in Valdichiana, Cortona, Foiano della Chiana, Ortignano Raggiolo, Pieve Santo Stefano and Sansepolcro. Nor does the ASL account for a case registered in Anghiari where, to break the news, it was Mayor Alessandro Polcri through social networks and that raises the total number of infections to 65.

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With the exception of five hospitalized residents of the Arezzo municipality, 41, 81, 84, 87 and 97 years old, home isolation was activated for all other patients. “The prevention department – still report from ASL – has highlighted for the moment 160 contacts for the Arezzo cases that have already been placed in solitary confinement. At this time, 3,760 people from the Local Health Authority of Southeast Tuscany are already in home isolation due to a known contact or because they come from other countries. The positives in charge are 1,089 at home and 19 at the health hotel. There are 27 hospitalized for infectious diseases and 4 in intensive care at the San Donato hospital in Arezzo. Case identification and contact tracing was possible by performing 2,915 swabs. Below is the detail by municipality of surveillance of the cases verified by ASL Toscana Sud Est in the last 24 hours ”.


39-year-old woman already in home isolation as a symptomatic case contact, 41-year-old man already in home isolation as a symptomatic case contact, 45-year-old man already in home isolation as a symptomatic case contact, 45-year-old man in home isolation as case contact, 49-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic, 53-year-old man already in home isolation, investigation in progress, 55-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic case contact, 61-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic, 78-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case contact, 15-year-old girl already in home isolation as symptomatic contagion in the school environment, 41-year-old woman already in home isolation in how many case contact, asymptomatic, 62-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as symptomatic, 41-year-old man hospitalized, 81-year-old woman hospitalized, 84-year-old man hospitalized, 87-year-old man hospitalized, 97-year-old man hospitalized.


7-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a case of asymptomatic contact, student; 8-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a case of contact, symptomatic, student; A 10-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student; A 13-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student; 44-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case of asymptomatic contact; 44-year-old man already in home isolation as a case of asymptomatic contact; 50-year-old woman already in home isolation, result of the swab detected by periodic diagnostic examination.


17-year-old boy already in home isolation as symptomatic, contagion in the school environment.

Castiglion Fiorentino

Two 16-year-old girls are in home isolation due to the contact of the case, asymptomatic, contagion in the school environment.

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A 20-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.


32-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic.

Civitella in Val di Chiana

16-year-old boy already in home isolation as symptomatic and case contact.


58-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation, asymptomatic.

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Foiano della Chiana

64-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.

Laterina Pergine Valdarno

5-year-old girl who is already in home isolation as a case of asymptomatic contact, student; 26-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic; 59-year-old man already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.

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9-year-old boy already in home isolation, asymptomatic, student; 12-year-old boy already in home isolation, asymptomatic, student; 33-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic; 19-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.

Marciano della Chiana

Newborn already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic; newborn already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic; A 35-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic; 58-year-old woman already in home isolation as a symptomatic contact case; 88-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.


46-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as a case contact; 50-year-old male already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic; A 70-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic; An 80-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic; 39-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic; 70-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic.

Ortignano Raggiolo

17-year-old girl who is already in home isolation as symptomatic, student

Pieve Santo Stefano

12-year-old boy already in home isolation as symptomatic

San Giovanni Valdarno

46-year-old man already in home isolation as case contact, asymptomatic, 49-year-old man already in home isolation, investigation in progress, 62-year-old woman already in home isolation as case contact, symptomatic; 83-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic.

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20-year-old man who is already in home isolation when he returns from abroad, asymptomatic.


10-year-old boy already in home isolation, asymptomatic, student; 12-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a case contact, student.

Terranuova Bracciolini

17-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, symptomatic, student; 52-year-old woman already in home isolation as a symptomatic contact case; 59-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as a case contact; A 65-year-old man already in home isolation as a symptomatic contact case; An 80-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case of asymptomatic contact.

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