Fight relentlessly against digital piracy. The Guardia di Finanza, coordinated by the Naples prosecutor’s office, is expanding the investigation that has been ongoing for several months against sites that transmit images and content, especially live sports, in violation of copyright for everyone. In the past few hours, more than 5,500 illegal live streaming sites and Telegram channels illegally streaming protected content around the world have been blocked. Seizures destined for confiscation for an amount equivalent to more than 10 million euros against the criminal organization. Subscription payments were also made through cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, fifteen of the suspects, while earning large sums from their illegal activity, received income from citizenship.
The investigations
The investigation of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office is focused in particular against IPTV technology, the new wave of live streaming sites that clone television stations from all over the world, playing sporting events, especially football matches, on the net, in violation of copyright law. For many years, but especially in 2020 with the ban on public access to stadiums, television rights have become the only source of income for football clubs. Therefore, attacking digital pirates has also become a main interest of Lega Calcio, which is actively collaborating in investigations, and has deployed a whole series of initiatives to discourage the use of illegal live streaming platforms.
The strategy of the League
Against IPTV, Lega Calcio has established an articulated strategy. They range from the acceleration of IPTV blocking times by ISPs and Hosting to the launch of an awareness campaign on the subject aimed at fans and citizens, to a request to the authorities for more severe sanctions to be imposed on those who cause damage not only to our industry, but to the entire Italian economy. At the international level, Lega Serie A participates actively, together with the most important international federations and the main European leagues, in the battle against beoutQ, an illegal platform that pirates sports and entertainment content.
November 11, 2020 (change November 11, 2020 | 09:04)