
As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore this morning, there would be 50,000 places planned for retirement in 2021, about 10,000 more than last year.
The number of substitutes in 2020/21
This year, according to the Ministry, there were 130,000 temporary positions. Even if the unions dispute the figure and speak of figures that are around 200 thousand substitute teachers.
Particularly critical is the situation in terms of support, which has about 51 thousand places in abrogation, more places delivered each year that are not sold assigned to permanent teachers.
Contest knot
Starting this year, if COVID allows it, the competitions for chairs that have banned 78 thousand chairs. The first tests that will start will be those of the extraordinary competition.
This will be followed by the ordinary secondary competition that will cover 33 thousand places, while the infant and primary, always ordinary, 12,863.
Vacancies for the next school year
Taking the figures from the Ministry as correct and assuming that the bankruptcy proceedings are successful, next year the vacancies will be around 100,000.
A figure that does not take into account, for example, all the positions in derogation of the support that are activated during the school year raising the figure to the ceilings reported by the unions and that does not contain the so-called “covid-substitutes” that are has activated this year according to the health emergency.