A Alternative mobility voucher 2020 electric bicycles and scooters up to 500 euros by purchasing bicycles, electric bikes, scooters or for car and scooter sharing service.
As he says Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola De Micheli, the government has been studying this “Good alternative mobility“For citizens residing in the areas of metropolitan cities, regional and provincial capitals and municipalities with more than 50 thousand inhabitants, contrary to the 40 thousand previously foreseen.
Bonus bikes and scooters of 500 euros: Before the final confirmation of the text, clarifications had arrived from the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, during the hearing at the Chamber’s Committee on the Environment and Transport on the aftermath of Covid-19 on the transport sector: ” The recognition of an “alternative mobility voucher” for metropolitan cities and urban areas with more than 40,000 inhabitants is being studied and almost finishing, up to a maximum of 500 euros for the purchase of bicycles and scooters. “
The Bicycle and Scooter Bonus 2020 is contained in the Relaunch Decree, according to the text to “Mobility voucher”, equal to 60 percent of the expenditure made and, in any case, not exceeding 500 euros “.
Demand for additional bikes and scooters from November
Based on what has been learned in the last few days since Open newspaper, and now from The sun 24 hours, Let’s see the latest news:
The form must be completed with your data, the invoice or the talking receipt and the Iban code.
Alternative mobility voucher 2020 what is it?
Mobility voucher 2020 what it consists of: the 500 euro bicycle voucher for alternative mobility, also called “bicycle voucher” is a measure contained in the 2020 Relaunch Decree.
It consists of a “ticket” up to 500 euros for the purchase of bicycles and bicycles with pedaling assistance, but also vehicles for personal mobility with mainly electric propulsion such as electric scooters, segway, hoverboard; or to be used for car or scooter sharing service.
The voucher is retroactively valid, because it is applied from May 4, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
Alternative mobility voucher: how it works
The bonus of 500 euros for alternative mobility is a useful measure for Phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency, characterized by the reopening of offices, shops and productive activities.
In fact, more than 4 million workers have returned to their activities, always respecting social distancing and all safety measures. With unavoidable repercussions on public transport and traffic.
the Ministry of the Environment provided instructions on how the bike voucher works, stating that the voucher includes 2 phases:
Phase 1– Citizen pays full price and then receives a refund of 60% of the cost. In Phase 1, which runs from May 4, 2020 until the day the web application becomes operational, the reimbursement is provided to the beneficiary (who buys). In the physical or online store, the citizen pays the “full” price and will subsequently receive the refund. To obtain the scholarship it is necessary keep proof of expenses which will be attached to the application to be submitted through the application. At this stage, bicycles and vehicles can be purchased at any store.
Phase 2: The citizen pays 40% directly to the merchant and the seller receives the refund of 60%. Phase 2 of the bonus starts from the day the web application is launched and is expected direct supplier discount of the good / service requested, based on a digital shopping voucher which will be valid for 30 days from the date of issue and that the beneficiaries can generate in the application. In Phase 2, the list of all retailers participating in the initiative will be published on the online platform.
Who is entitled to the 2020 mobility voucher:
It can be requested only once by adult residents in regional capitals, metropolitan cities, provincial capitals or municipalities with a population greater than 50,000 inhabitants.
The Ministry of the Environment specifies that the voucher is for the only old resident (and not at home):
in regional capitals (even less than 50,000 inhabitants);
in the provincial capitals (even less than 50,000 inhabitants);
in municipalities with a population greater than 50,000 inhabitants;
in the municipalities of metropolitan cities (even less than 50,000 inhabitants).
Bonus electric bikes and scooters 2020 what is it for?
the 500 euro voucher for alternative mobility it was meant to lighten the flow of people on public transport, especially during peak hours and at the same time avoiding increased traffic due to the use of private vehicles.
In fact, it is feared that, due to limited access to public transport, many prefer to use private vehicles, at the risk of city traffic congestion.
As reported by the Ministry of the Environment, the bike and scooter voucher 2020, the voucher can be requested only once and for a single purchase of:
new or used vehicles for personal mobility with mainly electric propulsion, referred to in article 33-bis of Legislative Decree 162/2019, reconverted with modifications by Law 8/2020 (ex. skateboard, hoverboard, segway);
We remind you that in 2020 there is also the public transport voucher and the scrapyard and car voucher 2021.
Bonus bikes and scooters 2020 application: instructions from the Ministry to get it
As soon as the specific web application for the bike and scooter 2020 voucher is put online, it will be necessary to access it with SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials. L ‘web application is being prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and will also be accessible from its institutional website. MIT reminds that this application will be operational (within 60 days after the publication of the provision in the Official Gazette).
In phase 2, beneficiaries can always request the mobility voucher by accessing the online platform the generation of a digital shopping voucher, after indicating the vehicle or service they intend to purchase. After completing the process, the platform will automatically generate the electronic purchase voucher to be delivered to suppliers authorized, together with the balance in your charge, to collect the good or enjoy the identified service.
Alternative mobility: examples in Italy
The idea of Encourage travel by alternative means., compared to public or private cars, is also gaining ground in some municipalities and regions of Italy.
Bonus for the purchase of a Trento bicycle:
the autonomous province of Trento has approved a grant that will cover the 50% of the cost up to a maximum of 500 euros for the purchase of a pedal-assisted, cargobike and folding bicycle and 100 euros for a traditional bicycle.
The available budget, 1 million euros, will be managed by municipalities with more than 15 thousand inhabitants of the territory, that is to say Trento, Rovereto, Pergine Valsugana, Arco, Riva del Garda.
This bonus can be added to the one assigned at the national level, said Vice President Tonina. Which also noted:
Looking at the end of the blockade in perspective, it is clear that promoting the use of bicycles can also serve to alleviate the pressure that public transport will be subjected to after the massive return to work of travelers: trains and buses will have to guarantee the compliance with minimum distances between passengers and, therefore, reduce the number of available seats “.
New bike lanes in Milan:
The Milan City Council has decided to expand the network of cycle lanes with an extraordinary plan that includes another 23 km to be completed in summer, in order to connect the city center with the suburbs.
In addition, pedestrian and cyclist mobility will also be encouraged: in some streets there will be less space and a limit of 30 km per hour.
The bicipolitan of Bologna:
In order to discourage car use in phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency and reduce public transportation hassles, the “Bicipolitan”.
This is a metropolitan network on two wheels that will connect the main inhabited centers, the productive and functional poles of the metropolitan area.
A total of 493 km, of which 145 already exist: 10 main lines and 6 complementary lines (275 km of which 84 existing) integrated with the city’s Biciplan.
Sharing electric scooters in Rome:
To encourage “shared mobility” systems, the municipality of Rome approved the new guidelines for the realization of “free flow” shared services using mainly electric scooters.
All operators who are interested in providing the service must comply with minimum standards: that is, vehicle limits and activity areas, traffic and parking rules similar to those already provided for bicycles.
Each operator must have a fleet of one minimum of 750 up to a maximum of 1000 vehicles; A maximum of 16,000 scooters will be allowed throughout the territory.
The vehicles must be located in real time and the operators must also guarantee insurance coverage for the use of the devices.
The project foresees an experimental phase of two years.