The school reopening announced and confirmed for September 14, the first of next month for remedial courses, is making the government tremble. And throwing the school staff and the Regions into chaos, thanks to their autonomy to decide the lesson calendar.
A final agreement to undo all outstanding safety issues in the classroom, primarily that of transport, could arrive on Monday, August 31.
Meanwhile, however, some Regions they raised the barricades at this moment of uncertainty and threatened not to start lessons on September 14. At least 5 governors rebel against the reopening of the school in 15 days. What happens?
Does school start on September 14? At risk in 5 regions
There is no longer any certainty about the school’s reopening date and the start of lessons. the September 14in fact, it is still the day officially indicated by the Ministry of Education to return to classes.
However, taking into account regional autonomy, the green light for face-to-face lessons may not be the same for everyone.
Faced with organizational and logistical delays, with the great doubt about the delivery of single-seater benches, there are already 3 Regions that will open schools after September 14: Puglia and Calabria (September 24), Sardinia (September 22).
Meanwhile, the Governor of Campania By Luca raised the alarm: “In one, two weeks we will be called to make important decisions. Think about the opening of the school year: under current conditions Cannot be opened“.
Skepticism about starting in two weeks also emerged from theAbruzzo, with President Marsilio who spoke clearly: “There is nothing ready, I receive requests from all mayors, including the center-left, to Take time. “
With this climate, the summit with the Regions on Monday, August 31 seems crucial. A compromise will have to be found at all costs so as not to waste any more precious time. What will be decided?
Transport and school: how to solve it?
Get organized better and safely i local public transport remains an urgent goal for the school restart.
There is still no final agreement on this. Minister De Micheli said she was confident that a solution would be reached.
On the table of the meeting between CTS, Government and local authorities are the following proposals: maximum filling of the80% of trains, buses and subways, mandatory on-board masks, travel at full capacity for trips no longer than 15 minutes, classmates together, think about barriers between seats.
Time passes and the school is about to be reopened: that of the transport it is a fundamental knot to resolve. The Regions are already on the warpath.