4,619 new cases, 39 deaths. Lombardy, Campania and Tuscany in the lead


Covid Italia, today's newsletter October 12, 2020: 4,619 new cases, 39 deaths

The situation COVID-19 in Italy based on bulletin of the October 12, 2020. The new ones contagion recorded in the last 24 hours are 4,619 (837 less than yesterday’s total increase of 5,456). secondThus the number of swabs performed: 85,442 compared to 104,658 yesterday (-19,216) and 133,084 performed on Friday. The total number of infected people, including those healed and victims, stands at 359,569. Net increase in the number of victims: 39 in one day compared to 26 registered yesterday. The total since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 36,205. Lombardy (with 696 new cases), Campania (662) and Tuscany (466) are the Regions with the most decisive increases in new positives.

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Lombardy, 696 cases and 3 deaths

There are 696 new positive coronaviruses in Lombardy (of which 74 ‘weakly positive’ and 5 after serological tests) with 13,934 smears performed, for a percentage equal to 4.9%. This is what emerges from the data published by the Region. Three deaths have been registered in the last 24 hours, bringing the number of deaths to 16,988 since the start of the epidemic. The number of recovered / discharged patients increased: 83,353 (+163), of which 1,472 discharged and 81,881 recovered. The number of patients admitted to intensive care is increasing: there are 50 (+2), while there are 463 (+30) hospitalized patients who are not in intensive care. The total number of swabs performed since the beginning of the emergency is 2,332,922.

There are 363 new positives in the province of Milan, of which 184 in the city of Milan. Regarding the rest of the provinces, in Bergamo there are 45 new positives, in Brescia 44, in Como 26, in Cremona 7, in Lecco 34, in Lodi 11, in Mantua 3, in Monza 41, in Pavia 31, in Sondrio 4 and in Varese 52.

Campania, 662

The contagions in Campania are increasing again: in 24 hours 662 positives are registered (yesterday 633) of 7,405 swabs (yesterday 9,232) but no deaths are registered. These are the data from today’s bulletin from the Regional Crisis Unit for the implementation of prevention and management measures for the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The total of positives is 19,192 units; that of swabs is 690.109. There were 130 cures of the day. The regional bed report indicates a total of 110 intensive care places, 65 intensive care beds occupied. The total number of hospital beds is 820 while the occupied hospital beds are 684.

Tuscany, 466 cases and 6 deaths

In Tuscany, there are 18,626 cases of positivity to the coronavirus, 466 more than yesterday (335 identified in the course of the screening and 131 from the detection activities). New cases are 2.6% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 466 cases today is about 43 years (22% are under 20, 20% between 20 and 39, 35% between 40 and 59, 17% between 60 and 79, 6% are 80 years or older). Those cured grew 0.9% and reached 10,942 (58.7% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 848,466, 8,958 more than yesterday. 6,220 subjects evaluated (excluding control swabs), of which 7.5% were positive. The current positives are 6,504 today, + 5.9% compared to yesterday. There are 245 hospitalized (28 more than yesterday), of which 40 in intensive care (9 more).

Today there are 6 new deaths: 4 men and 2 women with an average age of 81.5 years: 5 in Florence, 1 in Massa Carrara. There are 5,245 cases in total to date in Florence (109 more than yesterday), 1,294 in Prato (70 more), 1,262 in Pistoia (12 more), 1,666 in Massa (25 more), 2,235 in Lucca (41 more), 2,274 in Pisa (56 more), 934 in Livorno (19 more), 1,618 in Arezzo (78 more), 857 in Siena (42 more), 691 in Grosseto (14 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. There are 191, therefore, cases found today in the ASL Center, 141 in the Northwest, 134 in the Southeast.

Lazio, 395 cases and 8 deaths

Of about 14 thousand tampons today in Lazio, 395 new infections and 8 deaths are registered (five are recoveries from notifications). There are 107 cured. In ASL Roma 1 there are 72 cases in the last 24 hours and there are thirty cases with a family link or contact with a case already known. There are three deaths of 64, 81 and 88 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 2 there are 65 cases in the last 24 hours and there are twenty-two cases with a family link or contact of an already known case and thirteen cases identified on the recommendation of the GP. In ASL Roma 3 there are 21 cases in the last 24 hours and there are thirteen contacts of already known and isolated cases and two cases of return from France. In ASL Roma 4 there are 23 cases in the last 24 hours and there are eleven contacts of already known and isolated cases and three cases on the recommendation of the GP. In ASL Roma 5 there are 53 cases in the last 24 hours and there are twenty-one contacts of already known and isolated cases. There is an 80-year-old death with pathologies.

In ASL Roma 6 there are 29 cases in the last 24 hours and there are about sixteen contacts of already known and isolated cases. There are two deaths of 83 and 94 years with pathologies. In the provinces there are 132 cases and one death in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are forty-one cases and of these eighteen are cases with a family link or contact with a known case. A death is recorded. Thirty cases are registered with the Frosinone Local Health Authority and there are twenty-seven contacts of already known and isolated cases and three cases identified in the pre-hospital phase. In the ASL of Viterbo there are thirty-six cases and these are sixteen contacts of already known and isolated cases and one case identified during access to the emergency room. Three cases identified in the serological test. Twenty-five new cases have been registered with the Rieti Local Health Authority and there are twenty-four contacts of already known and isolated cases and one case identified in the prehospitalization phase.

Veneto, 328 cases and one death

Veneto registers 328 new cases of Coronavirus positivity in the last 24 hours, and one more victim. This was stated in the bulletin of the Region. Therefore, the trend of strong recovery of infections continues, at a similar rate in March-April. The total number of infected amounts to 31,831, the number of deaths (between hospitals and residences) reaches 2,219 (+1). The number of isolated subjects decreased compared to yesterday, 11,019 (-392), of which 3,369 were positive. On the other hand, admissions to normal hospital wards, 339 (+8), and intensive care wards, 37 (+5), resume growth.

Liguria, 186 cases and 2 deaths

There are 186 new cases of Coronavirus in Liguria out of the 1,570 swabs made, less than half of those indicated in the usual bulletin published by the Liguria Region according to flow data from Alisa-Ministry. There are 24 people in intensive care while 285 are hospitalized. The largest number of new cases is found in Genoese ASL 3: there are 119, of which 61 correspond to confirmed contact cases, 57 to detection activities and 1 to a social and health center. There are two deceased, a 78-year-old patient and a 53-year-old patient. The isolated subjects are 122, those in active surveillance are 3,841.

Umbria, 148 cases and 2 deaths

Record of swabs performed in a single day in Umbria, 4,509, 233,252 since the beginning of the pandemic. They found 148 new positives, 3,472 in total, according to the Region’s website. Two other deaths were also recorded, 90 in total. The number of hospitalized patients, nine (stable) in intensive care, rose again from 67 to 70. Another 12 certificates cured, 2,007 in total, and the positives currently grew from 1,241 to 1,375.

Sardinia, 129 cases and one death

The number of Covid infections is also high today: 19 in Sardinia, 129 of those reported in the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit, which also confirms a death in southern Sardinia: it is a 78-year-old man. In total, 214,037 swabs were performed with an increase of 1,578 tests compared to the last update. There are currently 157 hospitalized patients, an increase of +17 compared to yesterday, while 23 (+1) are in intensive care. There are 2,679 people in home isolation, 88 recovered. Of the 5,138 positive cases verified in total, 794 (+9) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 632 (+13) in the south of Sardinia, 399 in Oristano, 752 (+49) in Nuoro, 2,561 (+58) ) in Sassari.

Abruzzo, 117 cases and one death

There are 117 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in the last hours in Abruzzo. This is one of the highest figures in the region: to see similar figures, we must go back to the end of March. Of the new cases, 48 ​​refer to the province of Teramo, 37 to that of L’Aquila (of which 17 refer only to the capital), 22 to the area of ​​Pescara and 10 to that of Chietino. There is a recent death, a 58-year-old man from the province of Chieti: the death toll rises to 488. The current positives for the virus exceed 1,500. New patients are between 3 months and 94 years old. The positives under 19 years are 23: six in the Aquila area, three in the Pescara area, 13 in the Teramo area and one in the Chieti area. The current positives are 1,532: 137 patients (+21 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in non-intensive care and eleven (+3) in intensive care, while the other 1,384 (+91) are in home isolation with active surveillance by de the Asl. The healed are 3,154 (+1). A total of 225,647 tests (+2,227) have been carried out since the beginning of the emergency. The regional total of cases reaches 5,174: 856 are residents or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila, 1,184 in the province of Chieti, 2,056 in the province of Pescara, 1,021 in the province of Teramo, 38 outside the region (+ 1) and 19 (-1) whose provenance is in progress.

Aosta Valley, 94

There are 1,496 positives in the Aosta Valley, 94 more since yesterday. Currently, two hundred and twenty-five are positive, 9 of whom are hospitalized, 3 in intensive care and 213 in home isolation. The number of victims is 146, 73 men and 73 women. Since the beginning of the emergency, 31,492 swabs have been made.

March 37

The Health Service of the Marche Region has reported that in the last 24 hours 837 swabs have been tested: 469 in the new diagnostic route and 368 in the cured route. There are 37 positives in the new diagnostic route: 21 in the province of Ancona, 5 in the province of Macerata, 7 in the province of Fermo, 2 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 2 in the province of Pesaro Urbino. These cases include symptomatic subjects (11 cases detected), household contacts (9 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (4 cases detected), 1 return from Tunisia, 2 cases detected by screening carried out on the health route, contacts in the work environment (2 cases detected), contacts in the living / entertainment environment (2 cases detected), 1 contact in the care environment, contacts in the school / training environment (2 cases). Epidemiological investigations are being carried out in 3 cases.

Last update: 17:30

