
Attack alarm Paris. Terror returns to rue Nicolas Appert, where Charlie Hebdo’s newsroom was. A man armed with a machete, apparently with an accomplice, He attacked at least four people, two would be very serious. An attacker, dressed in a sleeveless jacket, black sweatpants and red sneakers, is on the run in the subway. The prhyme victim is a woman a woman, stabbed in front of the drawing of the victims of the attack a Charlie, on the wall next to the entrance to the old newsroom. There is also an alert for the possible presence of an explosive device. The attack took place at the same time as the attack on January 7, 2015, shortly after 11.30 a.m.
A suspect was arrested near the Place de la Bastille: he was covered in blood.
According to transalpine media reports, there could be two attackers. Both would then flee to the subway. Sword attack near Charlie Hebdo’s old office. At least 4 seriously injured. Fugitive attackers. Manhunt on the move, ”writes France 24 journalist Christophe Dansette in a message posted on his Twitter profile.
Police intervention in progress Richard Lenoir sector in # Paris11.
Avoid the area.– Police prefecture (@prefpolice) September 25, 2020
Scared in the neighborhood
The entire neighborhood is shielded by the police, who ask people to avoid the sector. The trial for the January 2015 attacks that left Charlie and the Hyperacher in Vincennes is currently ongoing. Ten days ago Charlie Hebdo, whose editorial office is now in a secret location guarded by the police, republished the cartoons of Muhammad first published in Denmark. A crisis cell was immediately opened in the Interior Ministry, where Prime Minister Jean Castex is going. Last updated: 13:16