4 regions towards the red zone, the 21 parameters change only as of December 3


“As of December 3, the 21-parameter model is not in doubt.” Roberto Speranza was categorical: the system that determines the division into three risk bands for Italy and the consequent restrictive measures for the Regions cannot be touched. At least until December 3. If it was a soccer match, the first part would have ended one by one. It rejected the request of the governors to modify the complex system that determines the automatisms for the closings, it accepted the request of the presidents meeting in videoconference with Francesco Boccia and Speranza herself to review them from the next dpcm, which will be launched in the first days next month. together with the expiration date of the one currently in force.

To this end, starting tomorrow a technical table will be set up, with experts from the Regions, the Higher Institute of Health and Silvio Brusaferro himself, and delegates from the Ministry of Health. Giovanni Toti’s request was clear: “We need a more agile system, more immediately understandable in the reading of data both locally and in Rome, which determines openings and closings on which there are no uncertainty margins but above all they carry to decisions Faster. “This is what the vice president of the Conference of the Regions has advanced. A retirement in all the style of the executive, who had defended with his teeth the goodness of his election until a few days ago.

The request of the Regions to do so immediately, as well as that of reducing the parameters to only five indicators, will be rejected: “Let’s not exaggerate, it will evaluate the technical table but we cannot simplify a subject as complex as this to the bone,” he explains. . an executive source. The game carries over to December 3. Because above all the governors of the North want a political decision on a possible hardening and loosening downstream of the photograph that returns the data. “The decision cannot just be the daughter of an algorithm,” Toti thundered. “Politics must assume its responsibilities”, echoed Massimiliano Fedriga. The game is open on this, even if a president says he’s pessimistic: “They will never change it. The automatic mechanism frees them from the responsibility of making decisions, it is too convenient for them to abandon it ”.

The total agreement is registered at the refreshment points. The governors asked for a surplus of resources for the categories affected by the most restrictive ordinances at the territorial level, which do not derive directly from the dpcm, the executive responded that a Ristori-per decree is being prepared and probably also a quater within which resources will be assigned.

A game that is also played with a view to Christmas. Beyond the unhealthy controversy over dinner, the issue refers on the one hand to the safeguarding of a tired and exhausted social fabric, and on the other, above all, to the risk of penalizing even more the extraordinary consumption typical of the time that could help many companies in crisis. Speranza admitted that the first and timid signs of improvement are glimpsed, but that these cannot in any way be the excuse for a decrease in attention: “No one underestimates the seriousness of the situation, encouraging signs cannot be exchanged but still insufficient in a narrow escape ”.

Piedmont and Lombardy will remain in the red zone at least until next Thursday: the Ministry of Health wants to wait to see the downward trend confirmed for at least two weeks before giving the go-ahead to the level reduction. Abruzzo, which has already proceeded autonomously to introduce more restrictive measures, and Puglia must join them, while the fate of Sicily and Basilicata will largely depend on the meetings scheduled for tomorrow before the control room, then the Scientific Committee Technical. Starting on December 3, a completely different game will open.
