Twenty-four hours from the first bell and here are the first unavoidable cases. Ats metropolitan city of Milan announced in a note that “given the numerous requests on the subject ‘back to school’, we communicate that today 4 cases of positive swabs for Covid-19 have been received.”
The positive results, certified on Tuesday, were found – explains the institution – “one in a primary school, one in a kindergarten, one in a nursery and one in a nursery.” At that moment all the planned procedures began which, Ats clarifies, “led to the isolation of the classes attended” by the children.
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Classmates are, in fact, classified as “close contacts” and are automatically placed in solitary confinement. However, a different discourse for educators, teachers and health workers who respect distance and the use of personal protective equipment are considered safe. “In the case of the nursery,” however, specifies Ats, “an educator was also isolated.” The schools in question have not been disclosed, but are allegedly located inside. Cases of positivity had already been reported in recent days in Brianza, in Lissone.