The regional working group announces that yesterday, December 21, 1,587 swabs were tested for the search for Covid-19 contagion, of which 76 (and among these 68 residents in Basilicata) tested positive. The percentage of infected Lucans is 4.28% (yesterday it was 4.09%).
Positivity found concern:
68 residents:
1 Abriola
1 in fact
3 Avigliano
1 barrel
1 Forenza
1 Francavilla in Sinni
2 Genzano di Lucania
1 Ginestra
1 Irsine
3 Laurìa
11 Lavello (1 domiciled in Venosa)
1 Marsicovetere
1 Matera
2 Melfi
1 Lucano Wall
2 Paternal
4 Pignola
2 Pisticci
1 Pomarico
12 Potenza (2 domiciled in Irsina)
2 Rapone (1 domiciled in Rionero in Vulture)
3 Rionero in vulture
1 Roccanova
1 Salandra
1 Sasso di Castalda (address in Potenza)
4 Titus
2 Tricarico
1 venous
1 Viggiano
Non-residents and in isolation in Basilicata: 1 Emilia Romagna, in isolation in Avigliano (PZ), 1 Nigeria, in isolation in Matera (MT)
Non-residents and in isolation in their respective Regions: 6 Puglia
Registered healings are distributed as follows:
Resident cured in the Region of Basilicata n. 96
2 Atella
3 Avigliano
1 rock
1 Baragiano
6 barrels
2 Cancellara
1 Forenza
2 Genzano di Lucania
1 grotto
1 Irsine
2 Laurìa
30 sink
19 Matera
1 Melfi
1 Montemurro
2 Palace of San Gervasio
2 Paternal
6 Policoro
1 power
1 rapolla
1 Rionero in Vulture (domiciled in Potenza)
1 Valsinni
8 Venous
1 Viggianello
Non-resident healed and domiciled in Basilicata: 1 Puglia (domiciled in Policoro), 1 Calabria (domiciled in Matera), 1 Morocco (domiciled in Melfi)
As of August 6, from the day the infections began in Matera, 326 people have tested positive for Coronavirus.
A total of 224 residents must be added to the positives: 1 Abriola, 2 from Accettura; 2 from Aliano; 4 from Avigliano; 2 from Bella; 4 from Bernalda; 2 from Brienza; 1 Castelgrande, 1 Campomaggiore, 1 Cancellara, 1 Castelluccio Inferiore, 1 from Calciano; 1 from Castelsaraceno; 1 from Craco; 2 from Calvello; 1 of Episcopia; 4 from Ferrandina; 1 from Forenza, 2 from Grumento; 1 from Garaguso; Grottole 1; 2 of Irsina; 2 from Latronico; 5 from Lauria; 13 by Lavello; 2 from Lagonegro; 22 from Matera; 5 from Marsiconuovo; 9 from Melfi; 2 from Montemurro; 3 from Montescaglioso; 2 from Maschito; 4 from Moliterno; 5 by Montalbano Jonico; 1 from Muro Lucano; 1 from Nemoli, 1 from Nova Siri; 1 from Palazzo San Gervasio, 1 from Picerno; 1 from Pietrapertosa; 2 from Policoro; 5 from Paterno; 35 Power; 3 from Pisticci; 1 Pietragalla, 1 Rotondella, 4 by Rionero in Vulture; 1 from Ripacandida; 2 of Rotonda; 2 from Rapolla; 1 from Ruoti, 2 from Roccanova; 3 Sant’Arcangelo, 2 by Scanzano Jonico, 1 by S. Angelo le Fratte; 1 from Salandra; 1 of San Chirico Raparo; 1 from San Costantino Albanese; 1 of San Mauro Forte; 1 from Sarconi; 1 of Satriano; 1 to Stigliano; 2 from Spinoso; 3 from San Fele; 1 Titus, 1 to Tolve; 3 from Tramutola; 2 from Tursi; 1 from Trivigno, 1 from Tricarico; 2 by Viggiano; Venous 7; 1 from Vietri, 6 from Villa d’Agri / Marsicovetere); 3 non-resident deceased (1 resident in Calabria, 1 in Puglia, 1 in Veneto); 23,742 recovered and another 142 people, including foreigners and residents in other Italian regions who are isolated in Basilicata and positive Lucan citizens isolated in other regions (details in the epidemiological bulletin).
With this update, the currently positive Lucans are 5,756 (5,822 in the last update, of which 5,655 in home isolation. 3,838 people have recovered from the start of the health emergency and 216 have died.
Currently 101 people are hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals: in Potenza 35 patients are hospitalized in the infectious diseases ward, 27 in pulmonology and 7 in emergency medicine, 4 in intensive care at the San Carlo hospital; in Matera 15 people are in the infectious diseases ward, 4 in intensive care and 9 in pulmonology at the ‘Madonna delle Grazie’ hospital
Since the beginning of the health emergency, 176,525 swabs have been analyzed, of which 164,291 were negative.