Twenty-one dead, 394 positive and 390 recovered. According to the Umbria Region and Civil Protection bulletin, updated to 12.12 on November 20, 11373 (-17 compared to November 19) are currently positive for Covid-19 in Umbria. In the last 24 hours, 3,703 swabs were made.
Coronavirus in Umbria, the map as of November 20: all data municipality by municipality
As of November 20, 438 (-6 compared to November 19) were hospitalized in Umbria, of which 70 (-5 compared to November 19) in intensive care and 11,820 (-200 compared to 19 November) isolates.
Coronavirus, the Perugia bulletin of November 20: two people died, 51 positive and 79 recovered
Since the start of the health emergency there are 20,961 (+394 compared to November 19) the total number of Covid-19 positivity cases registered in Umbria, 9274 (+390 compared to November 19) cured, 314 ( +21 compared to November 19) deaths and 380,989 (+3703 compared to November 19) swabs performed.
Coronavirus, the Foligno bulletin of November 20: two dead, 33 positive and 12 recovered
Coronavirus, Spoleto’s bulletin of November 20: three people died, 17 positive and 17 recovered
The note from the Terni hospital: Between November 19 and the early morning of November 20 at the Terni hospital, two Covid-positive men died, one 86 years old living in Terni and the other 84 years old living in Narni.