37,809 new cases and 446 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 862,681 people (+37,809 compared to yesterday, + 4.6%; yesterday +34.505) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 40,638 died (+446, + 1.1%; yesterday +445) and 322,925 Has been Discharged (+10,586, + 3.4%; yesterday +4,961). Nowadays the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 499,118 (+26,770, + 5.7%; yesterday +29,113) and are visible in the fifth column from the right of the table above; the count increases to 862,681, as mentioned above, if there are also dead and cured people in the calculation, counting all the people who have tested positive for the virus since the start of the epidemic.

I tampons They were 234,245, 14,361 more than yesterday when there were 219,884: a new record that surpasses yesterday’s. While the positivity rate around at 16% (precisely 16.14%): it means that 16 out of 100 swabs performed were positive; like yesterday when it was around 16% (precisely 15.69%). This percentage gives an idea of ​​the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. This is the map of contagion in Italy.

Absolute record in an absolute record: never so many infections in 24 hours, after yesterday the peak of +34,505 positives was registered. This is the third record in 6 days. There epidemiological curve it shoots upwards and as Health Minister Roberto Speranza said: If we do not bend it, the health personnel will not withstand the shock wave. Growth is also seen in the positivity rate, by looking at the exact percentage that passes from 15.69% to 16.14% in one dayConsequently, the increase in cases does not depend solely on the high number of tests. Several Regions today are dealing with their records, taking into account the most affected, especially: Lombardy, the most affected since the beginning of the second wave, which almost communicates 10 thousand new infected (precisely +9,934), surpassing its peak of +8,960 registered on October 30, Piedmont (+4,878), Campania (+4,508), Veneto (+3,387, passed its peak yesterday when it was 3,264)

I hospitalized patients with symptoms are 24,005 (+749, + 5.7%; yesterday +1,140), while the most seriously ill in intensive care they are 2,515 (+124, + 5.2%; yesterday +99). These data are visible in the table above, in the second and third columns from the left.

A dramatic fact is that of the deaths: the victims they are above 400 for the second day in a row, comparable to the end of April. The number represents almost half peak peak, datedMarch 27 when the dead were 969.

Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.

The cases Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.

Lombardy 242,947 (+9,934, + 4.3%; yesterday +8,822)
Emilia-Romagna 67,041 (+1,953, + 3%; yesterday +2,180)
Piedmont 89,458 (+4,878, + 5.8%; yesterday +3,171)
Veneto 72,092 (+3,297, + 4.8%; yesterday +3,264)
March 17,656 (+697, + 4.1%; yesterday +698)
Liguria 34,452 (+1,127, + 3.4%; yesterday +1,208)
Campania 78,009 (+4,508, + 6.1%; yesterday +3,888)
Tuscany 57,680 (+2,592, + 4.7%; yesterday +2,273)
Sicily 28,825 (+1,423, + 5.2%; yesterday +1,322)
Lazio 60,707 (+2,699, + 4.7%; yesterday +2,735)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 13,352 (+542, + 4.2%; yesterday +546)
Abruzzo 13,505 (+395, + 3%; yesterday +571)
Puglia 23,881 (+946, + 4.1%; yesterday +850)
Umbria 13,591 (+767, + 6%; yesterday +768)
Bolzano 11,572 (+713, + 6.6%; yesterday +762)
Calabria 6,714 (+264, + 4.1%; yesterday +358)
Sardinia 11,412 (+359, + 3.3%; yesterday +413)
Valle d’Aosta 3,963 (+129, + 3.4%; yesterday +114)
Trento 10,453 (+261, + 2.6%; yesterday +320)
Molise 2199 (+76, + 3.6%; yesterday +107)
Basilicata 3,172 (+249, + 8.5%; yesterday +135)

Article updating …

November 6, 2020 (change November 6, 2020 | 17:40)

