“36% positive, since the swabs were not taken into account …


After the news, bounced almost everywhere in recent days, of 36% of positives in Veneto according to swabs, comes the denial of the Veneto region.

the Region Prevention Department from Veneto notes in a note

  1. In recent days, Azienda Zero has published a table that provides an erroneous reading of the trend of the Covid 19 epidemic in the Veneto region, in particular with regard to the percentages of the number of positives in the swabs performed.
  2. The table was also built on the basis of a rule dating from February 2020, which states that the percentage of positives in the swabs is calculated exclusively on the number of molecular swabs. It should be noted that at the time of the promulgation of the regulation, the fast pads were not yet available, in fact they only appeared on the markets in April.
  3. It should also be noted that, while only the number of molecular swabs is entered in the percentage calculation, the number of positives also includes the subjects reported with quick swabs.
  4. Therefore, the true epidemiological situation in Veneto cannot fail to take into account, for the purpose of calculating the percentage of incidence of positives, the sum of rapid and molecular swabs, taking into account that Veneto performs approximately 20,000 molecular swabs and about 40,000 quick swabs
  5. It is recalled that on December 24, the Coordination of the Health Commission of the Italian Regions sent an official note to the Minister of Health Speranza and the technicians of the department in which, in addition, “it is requested that the total of the tests carried out (molecular and antigenic) of the different Regions in all the bulletins of the Ministry and Civil Protection ”
  6. A table is attached that shows the real situation of the relationship between positives and the total of swabs performed (sums of molecular and rapid swabs)
  7. Following the interface with the Department of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, we had peace of mind about posting quick swab data along with number of molecular biology swabs. This element is strictly related to the modification of the case definition that will be included in the next circular of the Ministry of Health. The proportion of cases over the total number of tests carried out, both rapid and molecular, will provide a more precise element for the evaluation of epidemiological scenarios.