339 new cases, the average age of 42 years; zero deaths. The regional report


In Tuscany there are 16,612 cases of positivity for Coronavirus, 339 more than yesterday (192 identified in the course of the screening and 147 from the detection activities). New cases are 2.1% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 339 cases at present is approximately 42 years (20% are under 20 years old, 31% between 20 and 39, 29% between 40 and 59, 8% between 60 and 79, 12% are 80 years or more) and, regarding clinical states, 62% were asymptomatic, 32% pauci-symptomatic.
Of the 339 positivity today, 24 cases are attributable to older guests at RSA’s facilities, where some cases had already emerged in recent days. 5 cases can be linked to returns from abroad. 37% of the cases is a contact linked to a previous case.

me healed grow 0.2% and reach the quota 10,693 (64.4% of all cases). THE swabs performed reached 806,096, 9,050 more than yesterday. The current positives are 4,749 today, + 7.2% compared to yesterday. There are 159 hospitalized (8 more than yesterday), of which 27 in intensive care (1 less). Today there are no new deaths.

These are the data – verified today at 12 o’clock based on requests from the National Civil Protection – regarding the advance of the epidemic in the region.

It should be remembered that as of June 24, 2020, the Ministry of Health changed the data collection system on the spread of Covid-19. Positive cases are no longer indicated by province of notification, but by province of residence or domicile.

The following are the cases of positivity in the area With yesterday’s change To date, there are 4,734 cases in Florence (121 more than yesterday), 1,061 in Prato (25 more), 1,139 in Pistoia (16 more), 1,578 in Massa (13 more), 2,015 in Lucca (27 more), 1,933 in Pisa (71 more), 846 in Livorno (16 more), 1,361 in Arezzo (26 more), 746 in Siena (14 more), 649 in Grosseto (10 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Therefore, there are 162 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 127 in the Northwest, 50 in the Southeast.

Tuscany is confirmed in 10th place in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 445 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Italian average of around 553 x 100,000, yesterday’s figure). The notification provinces with the highest rate are Massa Carrara with 810 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Lucca with 519, Florence with 468, Livorno with 253 the lowest.

In general, 4,590 people are isolated at home, since they present mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic (311 more than yesterday, plus 7.3%). am 10,325 (442 more than yesterday, 4.5% more) people, also isolated, in active surveillance, because they have had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 3,640, Northwest 4,799, Southeast 1,886).

People admitted to the beds dedicated to Covid patients today are 159 in total. (8 more than yesterday, plus 5.3%), 27 in intensive care (1 less than yesterday, minus 3.6%).

the people in general heal there are 10,693 (20 more than yesterday, plus 0.2%): 324 clinically cured people (stable compared to yesterday), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 10,369 (20 more than yesterday, plus 0.2%) declared cured in all the effects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative buffer.

Today there are no new deaths. Thus, 1,170 have died since the start of the epidemic divided as follows: 422 in Florence, 54 in Prato, 84 in Pistoia, 180 in Massa Carrara, 149 in Lucca, 97 in Pisa, 65 in Livorno, 53 in Arezzo, 33 in Siena, 25 in Grosseto, 8 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.

Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 31.4 x 100,000 residents versus 59.7 x 100,000 for the Italian average (11th region). Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (92.4 x100,000), Florence (41.7 x100,000) and Lucca (38.4 x100,000), the lowest in Grosseto (11.3 x 100,000).

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All data will be visible from 6.30 pm on the website of the Regional Health Agency at: www.ars.toscana.it/covid19.
