31,758 new cases and 297 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 679,430 people (+ 31,758 * compared to yesterday, + 4.9%; +31,084 yesterday) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 38,618 died (+297+ 0.8%; yesterday +199) e 289,426 Has been Discharged (+5.859, + 2.1%; yesterday +4.285). Nowadays the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 351,386 (+25,600, + 7.9%; yesterday +26,595) and are visible in the fifth column from the right of the table above; the count rises to 679,430 – as mentioned above – if there are also deaths and cured in the calculation, that is, counting all the people who have tested positive for the virus since the start of the epidemic.

I tampons They were 215,886, which is 801 more than yesterday when there were 215,085. While the positivity rate It is around at 15% (precisely 14.7%): means that 15 out of 100 swabs performed were positive; yesterday it was around 14% (precisely 14.4%). This percentage gives an idea of ​​the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed: today, in fact, with a similar number of swabs to yesterday, and the proportion of cases per test increased from 14.4% to 14 , 7% – there are more positives. This is the map of contagion in Italy.

It remains an absolute record for infections in 24 hours., This is the fifth in a row, Since October 27, the daily cases have been almost 22 thousand and since then they have always increased in the following days (compared to a high number of tampons, compared to the average of 26 thousand in spring). There epidemiological curve it continues to rise, projecting the country towards “scenario 4”, the most serious with uncontrolled transmission of the virus and risk of collapse of health facilities in a short time (some hospitals are already under stress). For this reason, the CTS has been urgently summoned.

The worst affected region remains there Lombardy with almost 9,000 positives in 24 hours (+8,919), in line with yesterday’s increase, with the Campania rapid growth (+3,669), up quota 3 thousand for the second day in a row. However, there are five regions that exceed the 2,000 threshold: Piedmont (+2,887), Veneto (+2,697), Tuscany (+2,540), Lazio (+2,289) ed Emilia romagna (+2,046).

I hospitalized patients with symptoms are 17,966 (+972+ 5.7%; yesterday +1,030), while the most seriously ill in intensive care am 1,843 (+97+ 5.6%; yesterday +95). These data are visible in the table above, in the columns on the left next to the names of the Regions.

For the first time no region has zero victims. To see a similar total number of deaths, or 297, never that many in the second wave, you must go back to the beginning of Phase 2, between May 7 (it was 274 then) and May 6 (it was 369 then). the highest number of deaths today you are registered in: Lombardy (+73), Piedmont (+28), Liguria (+25), Tuscany (+25) and Lazio (+22). Below the detail.

Here all the bulletins of the last days and months. Here the latest news of the day.

The cases Region by Region

The data provided below, and divided by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase with respect to the previous day calculated on the total.

Lombardy 195,744 (+8,919, + 4.8%; yesterday +8,960)
Emilia-Romagna 55,841 ** (+2,046, + 3.8%; yesterday +1,763)
Piedmont 70,636 (+2,887, + 4.3%; yesterday +2,719)
Veneto 56,953 (+2,697, + 4.9%; yesterday +3,012)
March 14,121 (+502, + 3.7%; yesterday +524)
Liguria 28,608 (+1,068, + 3.9%; yesterday +999)
Campania 55,740 (+3,669, + 7%; yesterday +3,186)
Tuscany 44,263 (+2,540, + 6.1%; yesterday +2,765)
Sicily 21,758 (+952, + 4.6%; yesterday +984)
Lazio 46,422 (+2,289, + 5.2%; yesterday +2,246)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 10,841 (+726, + 7.2%; yesterday +505)
Abruzzo 10,552 (+450, + 4.4%; yesterday +428)
Puglia 18,622 (+762, + 4.3%; yesterday +791)
Umbria 10,179 (+483, + 5%; yesterday +729)
Bolzano 8,382 (+547, + 7%; yesterday +350)
Calabria 5,065 (+202, + 4.2%; yesterday +239)
Sardinia 9,431 (+325, + 3.6%; yesterday +298)
Valle d’Aosta 3240 (+104, + 3.3%; yesterday +155)
Trento 9,138 (+390, + 4.5%; yesterday +222)
Molise 1695 (+83, + 5.2%; yesterday +114)
Basilicata 2199 (+117, + 5.6%; yesterday +95)

Deaths Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are the total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 17,535 (+73; yesterday +48)
Emilia-Romagna 4,631 (+19; yesterday +11)
Piedmont 4,383 (+28; yesterday +23)
Veneto 2.401 (+13; yesterday +17)
March 1,019 (+6; yesterday +4)
Liguria 1,774 (+25; yesterday +7)
Campania 673 (+14; yesterday +15)
Tuscany 1345 (+25; yesterday +10)
Sicily 502 (+18; yesterday +12)
Lazio 1,212 (+22; yesterday +17)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 397 (+3; yesterday +7)
Abruzzo 550 (+8; yesterday +2)
Puglia 723 (+10; yesterday +7)
Umbria 126 (+5; yesterday +2)
Bolzano 312 (+4; yesterday +2)
Calabria 116 (+2; yesterday +1)
Sardinia 227 (+13; yesterday +7)
Valle d’Aosta 168 (+2; yesterday +4)
Trento 438 (+1; yesterday +2)
Molise 37 (+5; yesterday without new deaths)
Basilicata 49 (+1; yesterday +1)

*The figure does not correspond exactly to the difference between today’s total cases and those of the previous day due to a new calculation by Emilia-Romagna (see next note).

**The Emilia-Romagna region reports that after verification of the data, two cases were eliminated for not being considered COVID-19 cases.

October 31, 2020 (change October 31, 2020 | 18:26)

