Three sprouts out of four are in the family. The contagion runs in Campania, but also in Liguria. The youngest were affected in the summer and now the issuance of virus progresses towards the elderly, the average age of the infected increases progressively. How did we go from 1,869 new positives in 24 hours last Saturday to 2,844 yesterday? How is it possible that there has been a jump of a thousand cases a day? The greater number of swabs made (119 thousand yesterday and 104 thousand seven days before) does not justify such a significant increase. Among other things, it is not an improvised one-day increase, but the trend of Thursday and Friday is confirmed (always around 2,500 new cases). The old slogan “we are more positive just because we make more tampons” does not hold up: we find more positive because there are many more positives than a month ago.
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This is demonstrated by an elaboration of the Gimbe foundation on the percentage of infected by number of people tested: in the second week of May we were at 3.6 percent, on the best days, in mid-June, we were at 0.7, in September we are climbing rapidly: 2.4 the first week, 3.1 the last. Further, there are regions that evidently perform an insufficient number of swabs: we always take yesterday’s example. Lazio has a high number of positives (261), but in many swabs, 13,349; the same goes for Lombardy, 393 out of 18,860. Campania, on the other hand, holds the record for infected in one day, 401, but only with 7,498 swabs.
And it should also be filed with the story that says everyone is fine. Not so: of course, the situation is not comparable to March and April, but there are already more than 3,500 patients today. COVID-19 in hospital of which 297 in intensive care. All that said, how did the high wave develop? According to the control room of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, 76.5 percent of new outbreaks are in the family, only 7.2 in a workplace and 4.5 in recreational activities. This is a problem: except for cases of unconsciousness, we all take precautions when we are away from home, but we considerably raise our guard in the family.
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The average age of those infected has now increased: in the summer it had dropped to 29 years, now we are at 41-42. What does that mean? That when we talk about 3 out of 4 infections in the family, we only see the last scene of the film. This summer, especially young people were infected, in nightlife groups or during holidays in Greece, Malta but also on the Emerald Coast. Little by little, especially in the family, they transmitted the virus to parents and grandparents. The fire burns. It’s obviously not the fault of the younger generations, just the flame has grown and now burns in the houses. The cases of imports – immigrants returning from their country and Italians who had been on vacation abroad – were a worrying phenomenon in the summer, now they have a residual role. The question remains for schools, especially high school: in the latest report, which was updated at the end of September, the control room identified 14 outbreaks in the classroom, but the virus is circulating steadily in schools, it remains to see if the increase in cases this weekend is already affected by the start of classes. One figure makes us understand where the contagion is advancing with the greatest force: the weekly incidence based on 100 thousand inhabitants (Iss Report between 21 and 27 September). Liguria (35.06 new positives per 100 thousand inhabitants), the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano (33), Veneto (25.27), Campania (23.70 but has accelerated in recent days). Lazio and Lombardy, always taking into account the number of inhabitants, have lower figures, 18.6 and 14.3. In less than 10 cases, three regions: Molise, Marche and Calabria. Unfortunately, the death toll is growing (fortunately away from the tragedy of the beginning of the pandemic): yesterday 27 dead. On a European scale, Italy has a low incidence of victims in the last two weeks: based on 100,000 inhabitants, the index is 0.5, in Spain it is 3.4, in France it is 1.8.
Last updated: 07:28