
Pietro Genovese He was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a multiple road homicide. This is the gup’s decision Gaspare sturzo. The magistrate imposed a harsher sentence than that requested by the prosecutor Roberto Felici in his accusation, 5 years in prison.
The 21-year-old who was driving his SUV ran over and died Gaia Von Freymann me Camilla Romagnoli, two 16-year-old girls while crossing Course France, a Rome, on the night of December 21-22 of last year. The trial was held in an abbreviated manner, a rite that provides for the reduction of a third of the sentence.
The phrase
The defense has always claimed that the two girls crossed a street at night, while it was raining, avoiding pedestrians. While the boy was using his mobile phone behind the wheel of the prosecution, he had drunk an extra glass before driving and did not respect the speed limit. The sentence came a year after the terrbili accident.
Pietro Genovese cries while reading the sentence
Pietro Genovese burst into tears when he read the sentence. The twenty-year-old, currently under house arrest, was present at all trial hearings that were carried out with the abbreviated procedure.
Corso Francia, stop of steps: the barriers arrive instead of the railing
Gaia and Camilla, the sad ensemble of Corso Francia: “Thus the accident reconstructed”
The mothers of Gaia and Camilla: “Justice is done”
Justice has been served. A great pain but also a great victory for us. The girls will never come home, but we’ve had the satisfaction of the absence of the guilt contest. The girls crossed the stripes, with the pedestrian green, our lawyers were very good at showing it. We did not expect such a sentence. It is the comment of the mothers of Freymann’s Gaia me Camilla Romagnoli, the two 16-year-olds overwhelmed and murdered in Rome, commenting on the sentence of the Rome gup that inflicted eight years on Pietro Genovese.

Last updated: 18:12