Covid Veneto, direct infections and victims: today’s newsletter, Sunday, October 11, 2020. There are 262 new infected by Coronavirus according to the 8 report of the Region, the highest number of infections in Vicenza, with 77 cases, followed by Padua with 52 , Treviso with 37, Belluno with 31, Venice with 29, Verona with 21, Rovigo with 4. Still zero infections in Vo ‘, for Padovano. am 11,411 citizens currently in fiduciary isolation.
Data in 24 hours
The trend of strong growth of new positives continues in Veneto, which even today, considering the 24-hour data, registers a boom in infections, +438, for a total of 31,503 infected since the beginning of the emergency. There are also two victims, bringing the total death toll to 2,218. Currently, there are 6,088 positive people in the region, but those who are in home isolation are decreasing, 11,411 (-214), of which 3,413 are positive. On the other hand, the number of people admitted to normal hospital wards increased, 331 (+6), and also those of intensive care, 32 (+3).
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Coronavirus, Dr. Rigoli: “By setting a viral load threshold, below you is considered negative for Covid”
TREVISO – “Positive coronavirus people with a very low viral load should be considered negative. The knot has already been shared by many microbiologists. We hope that the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health will take a position as soon as possible, indicating a low threshold which to insert people among the negatives, without the need to trigger isolations, quarantines for 14 days and buffers for all close contacts ”.
Last update: 11:31