249 other infections in Puglia. In the Bari area 66 new cases and 2 deaths



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Today, Friday, October 9, 4,595 tests for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection were recorded in Puglia and 249 positive cases were recorded: 66 in the province of Bari, 6 in the province of Brindisi, 36 in the province of BAT, 87 in Foggia province, 24 in Lecce province, 27 in Taranto province, 3 cases residing outside the region.

Two deaths were recorded in the province of Bari.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 444,874 tests have been carried out. 4,960 recovered patients. 3,550 are currently positive cases.

The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 9,116, divided as follows: 3,666 in the province of Bari; 835 in the province of Bat; 795 in the province of Brindisi; 2,208 in the province of Foggia; 873 in the province of Lecce; 670 in the province of Taranto; 67 attributed to residents outside the region; 2 province of unknown residence.

Asl’s Prevention Departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

The epidemiological bulletin for the Puglia region is available today by clicking here.

Statement Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The situation in the province of Bari is constantly monitored and under control, the surveillance activity by the prevention department to trace close contacts continues.”

Statement Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne «In the province of Bat there have been 36 cases today, but the data is not attributable to a peak but to an asynchronous recording of some data from the last days. Therefore, although there are indications of maximum attention to compliance with the contagion containment measures, it should be noted that the data are constant ”.

Declaration Dg Asl, Foggia Vito Piazzolla: «With reference to the positivity reported today in the province of Foggia, in most cases, these are close contacts identified in the context of previously traced family outbreaks. Under the care of the Hygiene Service, there is also a certain positivity in a nursing home and two structures for the elderly in the province.

Declaration Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “Of the 24 positive cases registered today in the province of Lecce, a large part, 16, are close contacts of already known positives, 4 returns from abroad and from outside the Region, one person has been identified with screening for health services and 3 are symptomatic subjects on whom epidemiological investigations of our Department of Prevention are underway ».

Statement from the Director General of the ASL of Taranto, Stefano Rossi: “A worker from the company Arcelor Mittal (formerly ILVA) tested positive for the Covid-19 swab. The hyssop was necessary yesterday when the man, who works in the coking plant of the old Ilva plant, showed a feverish state and general malaise. According to the protocol, the Prevention Department, together with SPESAL, has activated all the necessary contact location procedures. The Prevention Department, together with the General Directorate of ASL Taranto, constantly monitor the evolution of the situation.

Statement Dg Asl Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone: ​​«In the province of Brindisi, the Asl Prevention Department has identified six new positives. These are asymptomatic people or with mild symptoms. The activity of follow-up of the positives in fiduciary isolation and contact tracing continues ”.
