I’m 24,036 i new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday they were +22,865, here the newsletter). Come out so at least 3,023,129 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including those recovered and killed) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 297 (yesterday was +339), for a total of 99,271 victims as of February 2020. While people recovered or discharged I’m 2,467,388 usually: 13,682 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today (+13,488 yesterday). He positive current – subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 456,470, equal to +10,031 compared to yesterday (+9,018 the day before). the rise of positive current today – with the pi sign in front – because the cured, added to the deaths, are fewer than in the new cases.
The swabs and the stage
I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 378,463, or 38,828 more than yesterday when it was 339,635. This is the absolute test record since the rapid was introduced on January 15. While the positivity rate 6.3% (the approximation of 6.350%): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 6 were positive; yesterday it was 6.7%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterday with swab registrations leading to a reduction in the case / test ratio when 6.3% from 6.7% the day before. For the number of daily infections we are at the values of December 4, the last time the threshold of 24 thousand was exceeded in one day (it is impossible to make a comparison of the rates because the percentage was changed in January with the addition of rapid tests ). The difference with December 4 is that the curve was decreasing at that time, the situation was improving and we were moving away from the peak of November 13 (+40.902). If, on the contrary, we compare today’s cases with those of the ascending curve, we have the same infected as of October 28. The scenario worsens. According to the latest monitoring by the Istituto Superiore di Sanit, the national Rt index rises to 1.06 from 0.99 last week. This is not good news, says Silvio Brusaferro, president of the ISS, who explains the need to bring this figure below 1 – as quickly as possible – and increase containment measures. The contagion at this time occurs mainly at the family level -specifies Brusaferro-. This is an important element. There are six high-risk regions, substantially under stress, Brusaferro emphasizes: they are Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Lombardy and Marche.
Lombardy always hits more for the number of daily positives: +5,210 cases, more than 5,000 for the second consecutive day, with more than 57 analyzes processed, which represents the largest number of regional tests of the day. Above 3 thousand c ‘elEmilia romagna (+3,246). There are two regions with more than 2000 infected: Campania (+2,842) e Piedmont (+2,283). Followed by a four digit increment: Lazio (+1,525), Veneto (+1.505), Apulia (+1,418), Tuscany (+1,231) e Market (+1,027), the latter exceeding the threshold of one thousand for the first time. All other regions show a two- or three-digit increase.
The curve of new cases on the Civil Protection website
The victims
The victims are decreasing: they are 297 against 339 yesterday (42 less). There are three regions that report zero mourning: Calabria, Basilicata and Valle d’Aosta are, while the highest number of deaths in Lombardy (+61), Emilia-Romagna (+46), Veneto (+25) and Piedmont (+24 ).
The health system
Hospitalizations, ordinary and otherwise, continue to rise. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I’m +217 yesterday +394), for a total of 20,374 hospitalized. I beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I’m +50 (yesterday +64), bringing the total of more seriously ill to 2,525. The variation in the number of occupied beds, in critical and non-critical areas, indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours. Indeed, I new entrants in IT I’m +222 (yesterday +232).
I beef
The doses of vaccine administered have ended. 5 million. The citizens who have received the second dose are more than 1.5 million. Here the map is updated nightly and here the real-time data from the Covid-19 vaccine report on the government website.
Here all the newsletters from February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
The Corriere has created a newsletter on the coronavirus. free: sign up here.
The cases region by region
The data provided below, and broken down by region, are total cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 623,952: +5,210 cases (yesterday +5,174) with 57,154 swabs
Veneto 339,742: +1,505 cases (yesterday +1,487) with 42,750 swabs
Campania 279,818: +2,842 cases (yesterday +2,780) with 25,327 swabs
Emilia romagna 273,376: + 3,246 * cases (yesterday +2,545) with 42,699 swabs
Piedmont 255,885: +2,283 cases (yesterday +2,167) with 37,508 swabs
Lazio 241,207: +1,525 cases (yesterday +1,702) with 38,522 swabs
Tuscany 161,803: +1,231 cases (yesterday +1,239) with 25,341 swabs
Sicily 155,220: +519 cases (yesterday +560) with 23,161 swabs
Apulia 152,819: +1,418 cases (yesterday +1,438) with 10,530 swabs
Liguria 79,744: +338 cases (yesterday +414) with 6,819 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 79,622: +823 cases (yesterday +643) with 10,130 swabs
Market 71,423: +1,027 cases (yesterday +919) with 7,062 swabs
Abruzzo 56,503: + 473 ** cases (yesterday +552) with 15,031 swabs
PA Bolzano 54,924: +230 cases (yesterday +253) with 16,729 swabs
Umbria 45,914: +295 cases (yesterday +267) with 6,501 swabs
Sardinia 41,577: +89 cases (yesterday +81) with 3,442 swabs
Calabria 38,849: +260 cases (yesterday +226) with 2,957 swabs
PA Trento 35,327: +406 cases (yesterday +229) with 3,854 swabs
Basilicata 16,267: +164 cases (yesterday +122) with 1,709 swabs
Molise 11,059: +137 cases (yesterday +56) with 921 swabs
Aosta Valley 8,098: +15 cases (yesterday +11) with 316 swabs
Deaths region by region
The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 28,638: +61 deaths (yesterday +59)
Veneto 9,936: +25 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Campania 4,427: +13 deaths (+40 yesterday)
Emilia romagna 10,721: +46 deaths (yesterday +25)
Piedmont 9,461: +24 deaths (+26 yesterday)
Lazio 6,016: +19 deaths (yesterday +22)
Tuscany 4,761: +11 deaths (yesterday +23)
Sicily 4,213: +12 deaths (yesterday +14)
Apulia 4,072: +19 deaths (+32 yesterday)
Liguria 3,674: +8 kills (+7 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 2,888: +12 deaths (yesterday +10)
Market 2,307: +12 deaths (yesterday +9)
Abruzzo 1,766: +8 deaths (yesterday +27)
PA Bolzano 1,052: +4 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Umbria 1,082: +7 deaths (yesterday +8)
Sardinia 1,179: +2 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Calabria 700: no new kills (yesterday +3)
PA Trento 1,216: +3 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Basilicata 376: no new kills (yesterday +1)
Molise 370: +11 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Aosta Valley 416: no new kills (yesterday +1)
* Emilia-Romagna reports that 25 previously reported cases, which tested positive for antigen but were not confirmed by molecular smear, were eliminated.
** Abruzzo announces that a positive case has been subtracted from the total of positives, since it has already been reported by another Region.
Article updating …
March 5, 2021 (change March 5, 2021 | 18:18)