21,273 new cases and 128 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 525,782 people (+21,273 compared to yesterday, + 4.2%; yesterday +19,644) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 37,338 died (+128, + 0.3%; yesterday +151) and 266,203 were Discharged (+2.086, + 0.8%; yesterday +2.309). Currently the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 222,241 (+19,059, + 9.4%; yesterday +17,180) and are visible in the fifth column from the right of the table above; the count increases to 525,782, as mentioned above, if there are also dead and cured people in the calculation, counting all people who have tested positive for the virus since the beginning of the epidemic.

me tampons They were 161,880, which is 15,789 less than yesterday when it was 177,669. While the positivity rate grows: around today at 13% (precisely 13.1%). It means 13 out of 100 swabs performed were positive; yesterday it was 11% (precisely 11.05%). This percentage gives an idea of ​​the increase in infections, regardless of the number of tests performed: in fact, with fewer swabs there are more cases.

Skip the daily infections: there are more than 21 thousand. Another record registered, above 19 thousand for the third time in a row. To keep the epidemiological curve uphill, and to avoid a generalized blockade, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, new restrictive measures have been introduced (here the text of the Dpcm). At the moment, the national Rt 1.5 index is rapidly worsening the situation. The increase in hospitalizations is worrying: some Regions already have more than a thousand patients in Covid wards and are showing the first signs of stress for their health. Not forgetting the difficulties of activating contact tracing with five-digit national daily data.

The most affected region is the Lombardy for the thirteenth consecutive day that for the first time exceeds 5,000 positives in 24: there are 5,762. Immediately after more than 2 thousand there are: Campania (+2,590) and the Piedmont (+2,287).

me hospitalized patients with symptoms are 12,006 (+719+ 6.4%; yesterday +738), while the most seriously ill in intensive care am 1,208 (+80+ 7.1%; yesterday +79). These data are visible in the table above, in the columns on the left next to the names of the Regions.

Here all the bulletins of the last days and months. Here the latest news of the day.

The cases Region by Region

The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 154,363 (+5,762, + 3,9%; yesterday +4,956)
Emilia-Romagna 46,734 (+1,192, + 2.6%; yesterday +1,180)
Piedmont 55,535 (+2,287, + 4.3%; yesterday +1,548)
Veneto 44,337 (+1,468, + 3.4%; yesterday +1,729)
March 11,440 (+521, + 4.8%; yesterday +274)
Liguria 23,051 (+657, + 2.9%; yesterday +1,035)
Campania 38,613 (+2,590, + 7.2%; yesterday +1,718)
Tuscany 31,290 (+1,863, + 6.3%; yesterday +1,526)
Sicily 16,897 (+595, + 4.3%; yesterday +886)
Lazio 34,238 (+1,541, + 4.7%; yesterday +1,687)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 8,161 (+334, + 4.3%; yesterday +412)
Abruzzo 8,068 (+368, + 4.8%; yesterday +375)
Puglia 14,546 (+515, + 3.7%; yesterday +631)
Umbria 7,295 (+463, + 6.8%; yesterday +525)
Bolzano 6,434 (+339, + 5.6%; yesterday +277)
Calabria 3,790 (+ 179 *, + 4.9%; yesterday +166)
Sardinia 7,759 (+195, + 2.6%; yesterday +329)
Valle d’Aosta 2,525 (+97, + 4%; yesterday +112)
Trento 7792 (+104, + 1.3%; yesterday +162)
Molise 1218 (+26, + 2.2%; yesterday +66)
Basilicata 1,696 (+77, + 4.8%; yesterday +50)

Deaths Region by Region

The figure provided below, divided by Region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 17,235 (+25, yesterday +51)
Emilia-Romagna 4,561 (+4, yesterday +10)
Piedmont 4,259 (+11, yesterday +12)
Veneto 2,329 (+12, yesterday +9)
March 1.003 (+2, yesterday +1)
Liguria 1,691 (+5, yesterday +6)
Campania 571 (no new deaths, yesterday +8)
Tuscany 1,262 (+14, yesterday +11)
Sicily 428 (+11, yesterday +9)
Lazio 1,100 (+10, yesterday +9)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 374 (+2, yesterday +3)
Abruzzo 514 (+11, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Puglia 663 (+7, yesterday +10)
Umbria 105 (+3, yesterday +2)
Bolzano 296 (no new deaths for the fourth day in a row)
Calabria 106 (+1, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Sardinia 191 (+7, yesterday +3)
Valle d’Aosta 153 (+1, yesterday +3)
Trento 425 (+1, yesterday +1)
Molise 28 (+1, yesterday +1)
Basilicata 44 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)

*Calabria reports that of the 179 new positive cases currently, 3 are identified in migrants.

Article updating …

October 25, 2020 (change October 25, 2020 | 17:34)

