I’m 21,267 i new cases of coronavirus in Italy (yesterday they were +18,765, here the newsletter). Go up like this at least 3,440,862 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including those recovered and killed) since the LA outbreak began deaths today I’m 460 (yesterday they were +551), for a total of 106,339 victims as of February 2020. People recovered or discharged they are all together 2,773,215 me 20,132 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today (+20,601 yesterday). the positive current – subjects who have the virus – happen to be in everything 561,308, equal to +654 compared to yesterday (-2,413 the day before).
The swabs and the stage
I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 363,767, or 28,578 more than yesterday when it was 335,189. While the positivity rate 5.8% (the approximation of 5.846%): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 5 were positive; yesterday it was 5.6%. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.
More infections in 24 hours than yesterday, with 28,000 more tampons, and the positivity rate changes little: it stands at 5.8% against 5.6% on Tuesday. The curve rises, as every week, and then reaches the maximum point between Thursday and Friday and falls again on the weekend and Monday due to less analysis being processed. From the comparison with last Wednesday (March 17), when +23,059 cases were registered with a positive rate of 6.2%, it seems that the scenario improves a little. It is true that the epidemic shows signs of slowing down, but there are still many daily infections and to lower the curve we must continue to respect the restrictions, while vaccinations continue.
At the European level, the situation is worrying. Infections are increasing in 19 Member States of the European Union (one in France, ed), 15 hospital admissions are increasing and 8 are experiencing an increase in deaths, said EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. Adding: In recent weeks we have seen an increase in the number of variants: the British is the predominant, registered in 25 countries and is in 80% of the test sequences in some states. The South African variant has been tracked in 18 countries and the Brazilian in nine.
The Lombardy It is still the region most affected by the number of daily cases (+4,282, here the bulletin), with more than 59,000 swabs, which is the highest number of regional tests of the day. Over 2,000 cases there are: Piedmont (+2,223, here the newsletter), Campania (+2,045) e Veneto (+2,042). They follow with a four-digit increment: Emilia romagna (+1,725), Lazio (+1,709), Apulia (+1,709, the same number of new cases in Lazio) and Tuscany (+1,197). All other regions are growing by double or triple digits.
The victims
The victims are decreasing: they are 460 compared to 551 yesterday (91 less). Only the Valle d’Aosta communicates zero duel week, while the highest number of deaths in Lombardy (+110), Campania (+52, of which 28 died in the last 48 hours and the others in the last days) ed Emilia romagna (+45) Below are the details of all regions.
According to physicist Giorgio Sestili, the increase in deaths in recent days is an expected figure that reflects the increase in cases that occurred about 20 days ago, but which has slowed thanks to the vaccination of many elderly people and is heading towards the peak, expected in about a week.
The health system
The pressure on the health system continues to mount. Occupied beds in the ordinary rooms of Covid I’m +10 (yesterday +379), for a total of 28,438 hospitalized. I beds occupied in intensive care (ICU) I’m +42 (yesterday +36), bringing the total of more seriously ill to 3,588. The variation in the number of occupied beds, in critical and non-critical areas, indicates the balance between patients who left and those who entered in the last 24 hours. Indeed, I new entrances to resuscitation I’m +300 (yesterday +317). The highest number of people entering TI in Lombardy (+65), Veneto (+36) and Emilia-Romagna (+33).
Here all the newsletters for 2021, here those for 2020. Here the news of the day.
The Corriere has created a newsletter on the coronavirus. free: sign up here.
The cases region by region
The data provided below, and broken down by region, are total cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Also, today’s regional swabs, between molecular and fast.
Lombardy 707,950: +4,282 cases (yesterday +3,643) with 59,626 swabs
Veneto 371,544: +2,042 cases (yesterday +1,966) with 47,435 swabs
Campania 324,212: +2,045 cases (yesterday +1,862) with 24,353 swabs
Emilia romagna 322,337: + 1,725 * cases (yesterday +1,578) with 34,163 swabs
Piedmont 294,739: +2,223 cases (yesterday +2,080) with 28,731 swabs
Lazio 272,929: +1,709 cases (yesterday +1,491) with 37,171 swabs
Tuscany 185,755: +1,197 cases (yesterday +1,062) with 26,059 swabs
Apulia 180,746: +1,709 cases (yesterday +1,664) with 10,919 swabs
Sicily 168,021: +765 cases (yesterday +751) with 25,977 swabs
Friuli Venezia Giulia 93,370: +762 cases (yesterday +548) with 12,996 swabs
Liguria 86,213: +420 cases (yesterday +360) with 7,601 swabs
Market 84,475: +632 cases (yesterday +405) with 6,402 swabs
PA Bolzano 68,168: + 162 ** cases (yesterday +148) with 12,210 swabs
Abruzzo 63,231: +329 cases (yesterday +188) with 9,887 swabs
Umbria 49,694: +225 cases (yesterday +174) with 6,052 swabs
Calabria 44,349: +365 cases (yesterday +317) with 3,274 swabs
Sardinia 43,730: +153 cases (yesterday +159) with 4,558 swabs
PA Trento 39,972: +308 cases (yesterday +191) with 3,460 swabs
Basilicata 18,618: +115 cases (yesterday +121) with 1,445 swabs
Molise 12,054: +29 cases (yesterday +27) with 652 swabs
Aosta Valley 8,755: +70 cases (yesterday +30) with 796 swabs
Deaths region by region
The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 30,085: +110 deaths (yesterday +99)
Veneto 10,442: +28 deaths (yesterday +52)
Campania 5,054: +52 deaths (yesterday +62)
Emilia romagna 11,569: +45 deaths (yesterday +56)
Piedmont 10,053: +30 deaths (yesterday +75)
Lazio 6,430: +30 deaths (yesterday +26)
Tuscany 5,176: +27 deaths (+31 yesterday)
Apulia 4,569: +38 deaths (+46 yesterday)
Sicily 4493: +22 deaths (+20 yesterday)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 3186: +20 deaths (+22 yesterday)
Liguria 3,817: +8 deaths (+6 yesterday)
Market 2,534: +13 deaths (+9 yesterday)
PA Bolzano 1,107: +2 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Abruzzo 2,052: +11 deaths (yesterday +18)
Umbria 1,229: +2 kills (+14 yesterday)
Calabria 782: +5 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Sardinia 1,218: +2 deaths (+2 yesterday)
PA Trento 1,268: +3 deaths (+4 yesterday)
Basilicata 430: +10 kills (yesterday +1)
Molise 426: +2 deaths (+2 yesterday)
Aosta Valley 419: No new deaths for the seventh day in a row
* Emilia-Romagna announces that 20 cases have been eliminated, positive by antigen test but not confirmed by molecular swab.
** The Bolzano Public Administration announces that 1 case has been eliminated, positive in antigen test but not confirmed by molecular swab.
March 24, 2021 (change March 24, 2021 | 18:53)