20,648 new positives and 541 deaths, reducing hospitalizations


Coronavirus in Italy, the bulletin for Sunday, November 29 of the Ministry of Health. The new positives registered in the last 24 hours in Italy are 20,648 with 176,934 swabs (yesterday was 26,323 with 225,940 swabs). 541 i morti (yesterday it was 686). The percentage of positives out of the total swabs is now 11.67%.

With 13,642 more discharged / cured in the last 24 hours, current positives rise to 795,771 (6,463 more than yesterday, when there was an increase of 1,415 units). Total deaths from Covid-19 increases to 54,904. The total number of cases is 1,585,178 since the beginning of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic.

Read also> Coronavirus in Lazio, today’s bulletin, November 29, 2020: 1993 new cases and 19 deaths

Of the 541 dead today, 135 come from Lombardy, 84 from Piedmont, 45 from Sicily, 38 from Tuscany, 36 from Campania, 33 from Veneto and 30 from Emilia Romagna. Lombardy is still the most affected region with more than 3,000 cases (3,203), followed by Veneto (2,617), Campania (2,022), Piedmont (2,021), Lazio (1,993) and Emilia Romagna (1,850). Only the Aosta Valley less than one hundred cases (45).

THE WEEK: CONTACTS STILL DOWN Last Sunday, November 20, the new positives were 28,337 (with 188,747 swabs and 562 deaths). This week (from Monday to Sunday) the more cases are therefore 176,341, more than 50 thousand less than last week when the new positives were 230,349. The number of tampons is down as well, 1,425,999 this week, up from 1,510,190 last week.

TODAY’S NEWSLETTER (click to view pdf)

The cases of Covid-19 in Italy since the beginning of the emergency are now 1,538,217 (20,648 more than yesterday), of which 54,904 died and 734,503 discharged and cured, 13,642 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of positives currently in our country is 795,771, yesterday it was 789,308, an increase of 6,463 units.

There are 3,753 patients in intensive care (-9 compared to yesterday when they had 3,762) of which 907 in Lombardy (-12), 385 in Piedmont (+1), 355 in Lazio (-1), 311 in Veneto (+2), 278 in Tuscany (-1) and 241 in Sicily (-6) . Patients with symptoms are 32,879, 420 less than yesterday. There are 759,139 people in home isolation (6,892 more).

The swabs made to date are 21,814,575, of which 176,934 on the last day (yesterday they were 225,940). The number of people who took the test is 12,922,382. Remember that each person can use more than one tampon.

Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2020, 5:28 PM

