There are 2,025 more cases of coronavirsu positivity in R, ilia-Romagna than yesterday, out of a total of 12,471 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives out of the number of manufactured tampons is now 16.2%. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 73,432 positive cases have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna. The average age of new positives is currently 45.7 years.
Of the newly infected, 829 asymptomatic patients were identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, among the new positives, 328 people were already in isolation at the time of swabbing and 322 were identified in the context of known outbreaks.
Of 829 asymptomatic patients, 405 were identified through contact tracing, 34 through risk category tests introduced by the Region, 23 through serological tests, and 12 through pre-admission tests. An epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 355 cases.
The total number of people healed increased to 28,978 (+238 compared to yesterday).
Emilia-Romagna remains in the yellow zone: 5 regions that turn “orange”
The situation in the territories
The situation of infections in the provinces of Emilia-Romagna sees Bologna with 477 new cases, followed by Modena (456), then Reggio Emilia (277), Piacenza (178), Ravenna (173), Parma (144), Rimini (142)), the territory of Forlì (109), the Cesena area (55) and the Imola district (13).
Of the 477 cases in the province of Bologna, 269 swabs for the presence of symptoms, 4 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 1 through tests for the highest risk categories, while for 203 new positives the epidemiological investigation is still in process .
Among the 477 new infections, 439 are sporadic and 38 are inserted into family outbreaks. Finally, 1 box is imported from outside the region, none from abroad.
Unfortunately, there are 8 new deaths: 3 in the province of Modena (two men aged 88 and 89 and a woman 87), 2 in Rimini (a woman 82 and a man 84), one in Parma (a 73-year-old man), one in Bologna (a 65-year-old man), one in the province of Forlì-Cesena (a 53-year-old man living in Cesena). Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, there have been a total of 4,824 deaths in Emilia-Romagna.
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 8,495 in Piacenza (+178 compared to yesterday, of which 88 symptomatic), 7,057 in Parma (+144, of which 54 symptomatic), 11,270 in Reggio Emilia (+277, of which 213 symptomatic), 11,927 in Modena (+456, of which 266 symptomatic), 14,691 in Bologna (+477, of which 269 symptomatic), 1,390 cases in Imola (+13, of which 10 symptomatic), 3,380 in Ferrara (+1, provisional figure linked to the computer problem already reported), +4,173 in Ravenna (+173 , of which 98 symptomatic), 2,960 in Forlì (+109, of which 80 symptomatic), 2,257 in Cesena (+55, of which 40 symptomatic) and 5,832 in Rimini (+142, of which 78 symptomatic).
Due to a computer problem, the Local Health Authority of Ferrara was unable to provide the Region’s infectious disease surveillance system with data related to the evolution of the infection in the eastern territory in the last 24 hours. Therefore, the data will be included in tomorrow’s count. Therefore, in the province of Ferrara today only 1 is positive.
Swabs and hospitalizations
The swabs performed were 12,471, for a total of 1,740,948. To these are added 3,126 serological tests.
Active cases, that is, the number of actual patients, is 39,630 to date (1,779 more than yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 37,487 (+1,666 compared to yesterday), 94.6% of all active cases.
There are 204 patients admitted to intensive care (+10 compared to yesterday), 1,939 those from other Covid departments (+103).
In the area, people admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 in Piacenza (+2 compared to yesterday), 20 in Parma (no change), 17 in Reggio Emilia (-1 compared to yesterday), 37 in Modena (+3) 63 in Bologna (+2), 5 in Imola (no change), 13 in Ferrara (+1), 12 in Ravenna (+3), 3 in Forlì (no change), 4 in Cesena (no changes) and 17 in Rimini (no changes) After a verification of the data reported in the last days, 1 case was eliminated (in Modena) as it was considered a non-COVID-19 case.
The situation in Italy
Movements during ‘curfew’, self-certification is also required in the yellow stripe – here is the form and how to complete