During the past week, dozens of phone calls came from world leaders, including one from Father. And now Joe biden me Kamala harris they also collect compliments from China. “We respect the choice of american people – said the spokesman for the Beijing Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbin in statements reported by Global times – and we congratulate them ”. “We understand – then he reiterated – that I results US elections shall be established in accordance with read and procedures in United States“. Meanwhile, while the media recognizes the democratic ticket victory also in Arizona, two federal agencies, the Infrastructure Security and Cybersecurity Agency of the Department of National Security (Cisa) and the National Association of State Election Directors, stated that these elections presidential were “the safest in American history,” thus contradicting the persistent and still well-founded insinuations of electoral fraud advanced by Donald trump and his personal.
“There is no evidence that votes have been canceled or lost, that the votes have been changed or that they have been compromised in any way,” a statement read. “All states with balanced results in the 2020 presidential elections have the votes in paper format, so you can verify each ballot if necessary,” the text continues, adding that “this is an additional security benefit. This process makes it possible to identify and correct errors ”. “Although there are many affirmations unfounded or misinformation about the process electoral, we can guarantee to have the maximum trust in safety and in the integrity of ours electionsThe agencies concluded.
Biden’s victory in Arizona and the satisfaction of Cindy McCain – Also there Cnn decreed the victory of Joe biden in Arizona, where the last Democratic presidential candidate to win was Bill clinton in 1996. Election night Ap me Fox had already projected the success of Biden, but his assignment remained controversial. Biden Arizona and its 11 voters won by approximately 11,000 votes (40.40% to 40.06%). prior to Clinton, the last Democrat who was voted in this state as president was Harry S. Truman in 1948. Donald trump had triumphed here in 2016 with a 3.5% advantage over Hillary clinton.
L ‘Arizona à the ‘home state’ of the late Republican senator John McCain, proud opponent of the president, repeatedly insulted by Triumph for being caught, captive and tortured by the Vietcong in a famous prison in Hanoi for five and a half years during the war in Vietnam. And above all for having blocked the revocation of theObamacare, the health reform launched by the man who beat him in the 2008 presidential elections. The widow Cindy McCain she sided with Biden and entered his transition team. “My husband would be happy with the victory,” she said.
Insults, those who arrived in the last years of White House, which obviously have not been reduced to Cindy and his family. At her husband’s funeral she did not invite Triumph although all the former presidents were present, from Obama a George W. Bush. And now the last tear: entering the transition team from whom the presidency was taken from him by a Triumph to facilitate and pave the way for that transition that the current president’s staff does not even want to initiate because doing so would mean certifying a defeat that Triumph has not yet admitted.
With McCain on your team, Biden lends a hand to the Republican Party, or at least its moderate wing, trying to diluted the tensions and open a new season of political relationsleaving behind the hard and poisonous field electoral. A step that runs the risk of hitting the wall of conservatives, many of whom have joined ranks behind Triumph and his battles legal against fraud electoral and claim that victory there was not.