
NEW YORK A voter fraud lawsuit in Georgia, one in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania, and then a request to a federal judge to stop the counting of votes in Michigan. Trump is in trouble for the late ballots that arrive in the mail and take away the advantage of the three-state votes, but he continues to fight with the determination that his supporters know well. Tweet: «STOP THE FRAUD», stop the fraud in progress.
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The Awkward Legacy / What Donald Leaves for America’s Republicans
The president, who nevertheless resisted in the vote, does not resign. On Tuesday night he was declared the winner and for the next two days he took victory in Georgia and Arizona while the tellers were still opening the ballots. Democrats accuse him of wanting to deny reality, but this is one of the assets that has supported him for the past five years.
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Despite having no political experience behind him, he managed to manage the presidency of the United States with a popular consensus that, now we can see, accompanied him until the end of his term. Donald Trump has four years of war behind him, which he fought in the only way he knows: the search for victory, and in which he always proclaimed himself the winner, both when he really was, and when he lost but refused to do so. Admit it. He scored on the immigration front, in which he inaugurated the presidency in January 2017 by firing the first broadside with the closure of airports to travelers of Islamic faith. In the first weekend after taking office in the White House, he was already in a dispute with the judges of the ninth federal district of California, who blocked the measure and tried to challenge its constitutionality. In the long run it was the president who won, and the victory encouraged him to undertake the reconstruction of the wall on the border with Mexico, which today has 1000 km of replacement of the old and crumbling barrier, and 100 km of the second line, parallel . to the first.
On immigration, the Trump White House has lived through the history of children separated from their parents and locked in cages, and agreements to block asylum seekers in Guatemala. The Covid pandemic did the rest and sealed the entry of Latinos to the United States as professionals from around the world. The president had the solid support of Republicans in Congress, who promoted a tax reform of 2,000 million dollars to the treasury, and a decriminalization of minor drug-related crimes, through the legislative mesh. Everything else was an uphill struggle, because of one woman: Nancy Pelosi, who walked into the chamber, from the negotiation of budget laws to those of measures to stimulate the economy. The four years of presidency will go down in history due to the very high number of judges (250) appointed, and of the three advisers of the Supreme Court, to balance the abandonments and dismissals in bursts between the ranks of the executive, spiced with the lewd biographies of who he left.
In foreign policy, Trump leaves behind the unsolved problems in Afghanistan and Iraq, the disconnection of Libya and Syria and the formation of a peaceful Arab front with Israel. From the Emirates to Bahrain, from Sudan and perhaps soon to Saudi Arabia. In that of commercial exchange, he leaves the wounds of former partners hit by tariffs, who have not managed to stop the bleeding of the negative balance of the accounts, and have forced the United States to compensate its farmers. And for those who have followed him on Twitter, Trump leaves behind an encyclopedic trail of jumps in capital letters and full of exclamations. Three hundred a month on average, with a peak of eight hundred since the start of the campaign and more than a thousand in 2020.
Last update: 01:46