2020 Standard Time, When You Click & How To Move Your Hands – Magazine


In the night between Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October take the usual appointment with himthesolar ra. In practical terms, this means that at 3:00 the clocks will have to make a go back 60 minutes, repositioning at 2:00. Solar time will readjust our days, aligning them with fewer hours of light of the cold season. Therefore, during the rest of the fall and throughout the winter we will see the single tick a little earlier in the morning, but the darkness will also keep us company in the early afternoon.

When and how to move your hands

As mentioned, the time change will take place in the middle of the night,
at 3:00 o’clock. Obviously, this does not mean that you have to wake up on purpose to move the clock hands. As for the dear old ones
wrist watches and more in general all
analog clocks, you can provide it at night before going to sleep, or wait comfortably for the next morning once you get out of bed. The important thing to remember is that any appointment scheduled for Sunday
will slide for an hourAlthough to be honest with respect to the spring time change the problem in this case is less, since at most the risk is to show up well in advance.

Different speech for me
electronics devices such as smartphones, smart watches, PCs, tablets, etc .: technology will find us here,
update clocks automatically without the need for manual intervention. This means that
if you point the alarm clock on the mobile phone, the alarm will sound at the right time, already set for daylight. Attention that not all digital devices are capable of self-regulation: this is the case, for example, of the oven or microwave clock, the main references when we are in the kitchen.

How long is the solar hour?

Solar weather will be with us until the last weekend of
March 2021. Between
Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 in fact, daylight saving time will be reset and the hands will go the opposite way, moving 60 minutes forward. In that case, it might be our last time change: next year Italy might in fact choose to permanently keep daylight saving time, a decision that will probably unite all southern European countries (although at the moment only France will made official).
