Yesterday the most representative unions were presented with the draft of the annual ministerial circular on the allocation of fixed-term posts, which will be issued by the Ministry of Education in the coming days and will regulate the substitutes of the sy. 2020/2021 to be awarded by scrolling the rankings to exhaustion, GPS and institute rankings.
Anief received the information through its delegates Chiara Cozzetto and Marco Giordano, members of the union’s General Secretariat, and – after a long and fruitful discussion with the representatives of the Ministry – proposed changes that are now being examined by the competent offices. Special clarification is requested regarding the sanctions to be applied in the event of refusal.
We request that the circular explicitly remember the Ministerial FAQ issued, at our request, on the occasion of the presentation of the requests for inclusion in the GPS and that it specify that waiving a GaE replacement proposal has no effect on the ability to accept a subsequent GPS assignment and vice versa – explains Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – this is because it is necessary to prevent individual Provincial Offices from acting differently with regard to ministerial provisions during the appointment procedures.
Specifically, in addition, our delegates presented a series of fundamental clarifications to be included in the Circular that is published, especially regarding the application of sanctions in case of refusal ”.
The Anief union, in fact, proposed to include useful clarifications for the correct performance of the procedures for assigning positions also in relation to placement “in queue” in case of denial of a totally unemployed substitute staff: “We asked for it to be made explicit that this sanction only affects the school rankings of the specific class of competence and only the school that offers the job – clarifies delegate Anief Marco Giordano – and also a specific reference to the fact that the La This sanction cannot be applied in the event of a call for substitutes for less than 10 days. This specification seems essential for our union since in the GPS, and we refer particularly to those relating to primary and infant school, obviously the applicants could not indicate their explicit availability to calls of less than 10 days since, on the other hand, it has always been possible to do in the previous Institute Rankings “.
An additional clarification proposed by Anief to be included in circular 2020/21 on substitutes, refers to the circumstance of denial of a substitute conferred by “cross rankings” for support positions.
“Ministerial Ordinance No. 60/2020 – recalls delegate Chiara Cozzetto – for the first time foresees that the substitutions of support positions, once all the useful rankings related to the specific position have been completed (GaE support lists and GPS Sostegno of I and II Band) are conferred proceeding to the identification of the applicant without specialization degree through a new displacement of the GAE of “common place” of the same degree and, in the alternative, of the GPS of the relative degree, where They rank candidates, for high school, based on the best placement in the group with the best relative score if inserted into multiple competition classes.
We found it essential that the circular contain the clarification that those who refuse to work in the support positions offered by what are normally defined as “cross rankings” of teachers without specialization support should not be subject to certain sanctions and may therefore, he silently refuses to wait for the assignment of the class of competence and of the commonplace for which he is actually included in the useful classifications. “
In addition, the specific indications on the Assignment of positions to the beneficiaries of the reservation of positions according to Law 68/99 which was previously only provided for in the GaE replacement procedures.
The Anief delegates also paid special attention to the indications on the granting of assignments to the so-called “Covid staff” which will be subject to the termination of the contract in the event of suspension of face-to-face teaching activities: “As a union we have always opposed this provision that violates the rights of workers and which we will oppose in all appropriate places. In the meantime, we have asked the Ministry to specify their right to monthly unemployment benefit (NASpI), which is a necessary clarification for these workers and we have also focused on the need for an explicit derogation for the replacement of fragile personnel. and personnel absent due to the need to contain the Covid-19 infection, with special attention not only to teachers, but above all to ATA staff in general and to school employees in particular ”.